Chapter 6

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A/N Ok so I am going to try to put up the last paragraph of the last chapter as a Recap because just in case I don’t update and you guys forget what is happening. Sorry for all my grammar mistakes. I was using a program without auto-correct. When no corrections popped up I thought I was just a genius speller…. Anyways. Here is the story…. Oh JK nevermind. There is only Perrie as a girlfriend in this story because everyone else is single except for Louis and he is asking Hannah so Eleanor does not exist as his girlfriend. But in real life I do ship Elounor. Ok HERE is the story….



(Louis’ POV)

I walked into the hotel and looked around and I saw her so I walked towards her. We went into the lift and headed upstairs. This is going to be a fun night... I thought to myself.



We started talking for a few minutes about what I got at the party store. I told her about the prank plan with the masks and what movies I got. When I was explaining how the prank was going to work I felt a slight jolt and so did she. We looked at eachother then the lights went out then came back on. (We are still on the lift).

"What the hell was that?" she asked.

"Ummm. I think the lift kinda. Erm. Stopped," I replied, scratching the back of my neck.

"What the fu-carrot king!!!!! Ugh, do you have your phone? I forgot mine." she asked calming down.

"Yeah," I replied taking out my phone and calling 911. They said they would be here in about 20 minutes to a half an hour. After that I called Liam and told him what happened and that Hannah was sleeping over in my room. He said he would be with the firemen getting us out and so would the rest of the guys. After I ended the call with Liam I looked at Hannah and she was eyeing the pizza. She got a half cheese- half bacon while I got pepperoni.

We both went down on the floor immediately grabbing a piece. We started talking for about 3 minutes. She started a completely different topic.

"How about instead of doing the prank your way, we do it my way," she said smirking mischievously.

"And what way would that be?" I asked putting my eyebrow up curiously.

"Ok, so since it is dark in here, when we feel them opening the door- since the boys will be there and that is who we are pranking-we put the masks on and turn off your phone so its completely dark. Then it will look like we are to demons in an elevator which ate or faces off." She said and I was surprised because It was actually a good plan.

"KK BayBay," I replied which got a cautious look from Hannah.

We continued eating our pizza when we felt like we were being pulled up. We looked at each other and nodded. I turned off my phone and then put on my mask. Hers was already on. Fast peasant. We started acting like we were demons eating the-very delicious-pizza. We looked towards the doors as soon as the doors started opening. They were all looking away but a second later they looked at us. The fireman jumped back a little and realized it was us. But then Niall, Zayn, and Harry looked at us, screamed, and bolted. As soon as they left we started laughing. It was hilarious.

Liam was being daddy direction again and just shook his head disapprovingly.

"Come on guys," the fireman said as we were still laughing from the prank.

We eventually regained composure and grabbed our stuff. Liam left as soon as the fireman said to leave. We saw that we were on the 13th floor. We ran to my room and shut the door as soon as we were in. Hannah left but said she would be back. She had to get PJ’s and tell her roommate she was sleeping over. I looked around and started putting blankets in front of the TV to watch the movie on.



Hannah. You are sleeping over at Louis Tomlinson’s house. Keep it together. No-room. Whatever. I walked into my room and saw a note addressed to me. It was from Elle. It said:


IDK where you are but I am going to a club. I might not be home until midnight or later. Don’t worry about me but my phone is off. So ya! Oh I saw some guys who I think were on your walls at our old flat next door. Just for your information. See Ya Later!!

Elle xx

Oh jeez. Whenever she gets drunk it is not good. But it is fine anyway. She will be fine. I hope. Mental shrug shoulders. Ok anyways PJ’s. I roamed my suitcase until I found a coca-cola brand top with fuzzy PJ pants. (A/N Pic on the side if it works!). I went out and into Louis’ room. Lets just say I walked in on a shirtless Louis trying to get pants on.

"AHHHHH MY VIRGIN EYES," I yelled as I covered them up and ran around and eventually into a wall. It hurt. But I still Managed to keep my eyes covered. SUCCESS!

"It’s ok love you can open your eyes now." he said chuckling. I opened them one at a time. I looked at his shirt and had my mouth hanging open into an O shape. I huffed and put my arms across my chest.

"Copycat," I whined to him. He had a Coca-cola shirt on too! AND fluffy PJ pants on!

"Copycat? Me?" He questioned looking surprised.

"Yes you." I replied dryly but joking.

"Ok Ok Ima copy cat. Buuuuuutttttttttt now I have a reason to take a pic of us and post it on twitter!" he yelled.

I sighed and we took a picture- with the help of a laughing Niall Horan-. Niall was laughing so hard Louis and I had to roll him out of the room. Yes. You heard me. ROLL. He was on the ground laughing. We shut him outside and he was still laughing on the hallway ground. A businessman passed by and gave Niall a dirty look. Louis and I locked the door and shrugged it off.

We went to the kitchen to get the candy and food ready. Louis started the conversation.

"Um, Hannah. Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked, clearly nervous.

"Yeah Sure. Whats up?" I replied while filling a bowl with popcorn.

"Ok so I haven't known you for a long time but I feel really close to you. It is fine if you say no. It is just I-" He kept rambling on but I didn’t let him finish. I cupped his face in my hands and kissed him. I knew where it was going. He was going to ask me out. I hope. Otherwise that kiss would have been embarrassing. He smiled into the kiss as did I.

I pulled apart first. He asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I responded back saying "Yes," and then kissing him again.

Living With Louis #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now