Chapter 24

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Recap: "Oh I got a picture. Lemme show you." She said, took out her phone, pressed a couple buttons, and shoved a picture in my face.
A picture of the boys and I in the jewelry shop.
"I-I can explain." I said quickly.
"No need." She said and kissed me. She pulled back,"Yes."

Louis POV
I put the ring on her finger.
"Now I got another surprise for you," I said.
"And what is that?" She asked.
"Go upstairs, change into pajamas, bring down me a pair, throw mine down the basement stairs, go on the deck and wait," I said. She gave me a look, probably wondering if I'm going to murder her at some point or not.
"Trust me."
"Fine," She breathed out and walked upstairs.
I ran and got the nerf gun and letter I pre-wrote that said:

Here is a nerf gun. It IS filled and not on safety. We are going to have a battle, so, come and find me. Whoever is more soaked by the time both of our guns are empty, has to do laundry, wash dishes, and cook for two weeks. May the odds be ever in your favor. ~Louis you sexy fabuLOUIS fiancé

I ran and put it on the deck, and ran downstairs. I found my pajamas so I slipped them on. I grabbed my nerf gun that was stashed down there for various reasons. I ran out the exit that was in the basement and came to our backyard.
I sat behind a tree for about five minutes, before I felt a cool liquid squirt at me.
"Ahhhhh!" I screamed as I heard people laugh. Wait, people? I turned around and shot my gun blindly and aimlessly.
I opened my eyes to discover i hit no one.
I felt another squirt on my back, I turned around and pulled the trigger, only to discover I was out of water.
I opened my eyes and saw Niall, Harry, Zayn, Liam, and Hannah shooting at me.
"Okay okay I got to do the laundry, dishes, and cook for two weeks," I sighed and dropped my gun in surrender.
"YAY I WIN!" She screamed.
"It doesn't say it in the rule book," She said.
"How did you know about the book?!" I sighed, and looked at the boys who wore sheepish grins.
"They showed it to me, they came in looking for you and found me in the living room on my way out here to you," She said.
"Yeah, next time you really shouldn't hide somewhere that anyone can see you from the deck," Zayn suggested.
"You can't see this from the deck. It is on the totally opposite side of the house-" I said and looked up to the house.
"Ohh," I said realizing I was wrong.
"It's okay you get a A for effort!" Hannah said.
"Effort starts with E," I said.
"Shut up. I'm trying to help you feel better, now you ruined it," She retorted.
"Eh," I said.


Hannah sat next to me at the dining table.
"Umm, not to offend your cooking skills, Hannah, but, what on earth is this?" I asked, poking the substance on my plate.
"Good question," She replied and did the same.
"Take out?" We both said at the same time; laughing after.
"Yeah. Pizza or Nandos?" I asked getting my phone out to order.
"Doesn't matter," She said.
"Pizza it is," I said and pressed number 9 on speed dial.
"Hello, Pizza Place That I'm To Lazy To Think Of Here," The guy on the line said.
"Hey, um hold on," I said as Hannah started to walk away with our plates. "What do you want?" I asked her.
"Cheese or Bacon or Pepperoni please," She replied and walked away.
"Two extra large cheese pizzas. And,"
"PEPSI AND REGULAR CRISPS," She yelled back.
"THATS MEH GURL. IF YOU GIVE HARRY THE PEPSI YOU CAN BE IN THE BAND!" I yelled, forgetting I was on the phone.
"Ha-Ha. Arnt you on the phone?" She asked sitting next to me.
"Oh sh- Hey as I said before, two extra large cheese pizzas, two pepsis, and a large bag of plain crisps." I said into the phone.
"Excuse me sir, what is a crisps?" The guy asked.
"Oh yeah, I'm not in London anymore, um those are chips," I said, immitating Dorothy from The Wizard Of Oz.
"Ha-ha. Okay, pick up or delivery?" He asked.
"We will pick it up," I said.
"Okay it will be ready in an hour,"
"Thanks," I said and hung up, putting my head on Hannah's lap.

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