Chapter 23

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Recap: "Because $9,990 is just too much." He said and smiled.

Louis POV: After we left, we got in my black Range Rover, I dropped the boys off at the hotel, and I went to where the interview was being held.
"Okay, Louis, this first question goes to you." The interviewer person said.
She read off a question off of a card, "Who is the girl," She clicked a button on a remote, and the wall behind us played a slides how of me and Hannah, "who you have been seen with at a restaurant, a hotel, being carried bridal style by you into a house, and you and her outside together in your pajamas? Is this perhaps a girlfriend, fiancé or wife?" She asked and raised an eyebrow.
"Just girlfriend, what would make you think fiancé or wife?" I asked rather to quickly. I was nervous that she saw me picking out a ring earlier today.
"Because you carried her bridal style into a house that we have never seen you in before, and we saw you looking for ri-" She started to say but I cut her off.
"AND THAT IS ALL THE TIME WE HAVE FOR TODAY!" I yelled and ran backstage. I went out the back door, sprinting to my car. Almost getting hit in the process. I just really hope Hannah didn't see that interview. I want the proposal to be a surprise. I jumped into my car, and drove off. Leaving a trail of dust behind.
I walked into the now unpacked and furnished house.
"HONEY, IM HOME!" I yelled.
"In the kitchen!" I heard Hannah's voice yell back.
I walked in and saw her stirring something on the stove top.
"Where did all this food come from?" I asked and looked in the fridge. It was packed.
"Well, about that, my parents said they would send a check for $2,000 Dollars every month, and I got a call from Ell saying that the check arrived. So, I went and got it, and used it to buy food and everything we needed at the mall. Plus a cute beanie. Oh and I'm sorry, because of that I didn't get home in time to see the interview" She said.
"When did you go to the mall?" I asked. I was nervous that she possibly could have saw me and the boys shopping for the ring.
"Right after you left. And I saw something very strange." She said. She dadnt seem mad, but kind of sly or something. I think she is toying with me...
"Oh. What could that be?" I asked. Probably with my hands shaking.
"Oh I got a picture. Lemme show you." She said, took out her phone, pressed a couple buttons, and shoved a picture in my face.
A picture of the boys and I in the jewelry shop.
"I-I can explain." I said quickly.
"No need." She said and kissed me. She pulled back,"Yes."

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