Chapter 25

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Hannah's POV

I woke up with my head hanging off the bed, and my feet on Louis. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and saw it was 10:22am. Oh, and did I mention I had my oh-so-attractively hot-onesie on? Well I do.
Science it's been about a week since the engagement, I think we should at least start talking about when the weddings gonna be. Right?
I got up, careful not to wake Louis, and went downstairs. I went to the fridge and got out the pancake mix, bacon, and eggs. I started the bacon and eggs, and felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.
"Morning, Babe," He said, kissing the top of my head.
"Morning, Lou. Whatchya want to drink?" I asked, heading to the cabinet with the cups.
"I thought I was supposed to npbe making the food?" He said, getting out the orange juice.
"Eh, I think cooking is fun. Besides, you weren't up and I'm starving," I retorted.
"Okay then," He said as he put the food on his plate, while it did the same to mine.
"So, Lou, when do you think we should have the wedding?" I asked after swallowing a gulp of orange juice,
"Umm, as soon as you want it to be," He said and smiled.
"Well, I don't mind. I think what we should do is plan everything, like guest list, idea on place, and all that stuff, and then see what the best time is," I said.
"That works. Do you wanna split up the responsibilities?" He asked, eating some bacon.
"Yeah, so what do you wanna do. And we should do some things together," I said.
"Mmmhmmmm, we should make a list of things we need to do, then, see what we do together, and figure out what each of us will do,"
"Great," I smiled, and took our plates and set them in the sink.
"Lets get started," He said, and started into the living room.
I followed him and sat next to him on the couch. He had a notepad and pen ready.
"So, what do we need to do? I've never gotten married before." I said.
"Neither have I.... Just list off things you want for it, anything, remember I can handle the cost. I'm in an international boyband," Louis replied.
"Umm, well I know that we need cake, cater service, dresses for the bridesmaids and I, suits for you and your groomsmen people, place, honeymoon place, guest list, and that's all I can think of at the moment," I said.
"Then to google!" Louis yelled and ran upstairs, coming down a minute later with my laptop.
"Work your nerdy magic," He said, handing it to me and wifpggling his fingers.
I playfully glared at him and went to google. After a minute of searching I found something.
"Umm, we need to figure out the party," I said. Louis stared at me blankly.
"Who is going to be brides maides, and best men," I said.
"Ahhhhkay, continue," He said.
"Okay, we also need photographer, entertainment-," I started to say but he cut me off.
"You're marrying one fifth of One Direction," He said with a duh tone in his voice.
"Yes. Yes I am," I said.
"Zayn, Harry, Liam, Niall, and I can perform," He said, again with a duh tone.
"Okay, we need some one else to play if you guys are busy though," I said.
"How about the Five SOS boys?" He asked.
"Sure," I replied, and crossed that off the list that Louis was making throughout my listing.
"Okay, so, we also need invatations, florist, and a place to stay for the guests," I continued.
"Well I saw this great-woodsy-outdoor-garden place for weddings not to far from here one day. So, we can have everyone stay here for a night or however long they need, then when they all leave we can go to the honeymoon place," He recomended.
"Great idea," I said.
"AND we need nerf guns. And something to do with superman. And-" I stopped him.
"How about you plan something like a surprise attack from the wedding party, on everyone else. Like we run around in an area shooting eachother with nerf guns with whoever wants to. And everyone else can be somewhere else being all boring and classy." I said.
"OKAY! And on every ones outfit we can have a tiny superman logo," he said.
"Yeah and-" I started to say but the door bell stopped me.
"I'll get it," I said and got up from the couch. I walked over to the door and opened it, only to be met by a fMiliar face. One that I grew up with all me life. It was-.

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