Chapter 15

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I am sorry my Vampires for the last chapter. It was complete crap.

Niall is thinking of blackmail for one reason and Hannah is thinking revenge for another reason.  Louis being Louis has no clue what the hell they are thinking. That was just a little explanation. ONWARDS WITH THE STORY!






“Then I have an idea….” He smirked. I caught on to what he was doing while Louis looked at us weirdly…….




Niall and I nodded at each other for like ten minutes.

“Why are you two nodding at each other like people out of a spy movie?” Louis asked. Poor oblivious pop star.

“We are thinking of revenge” I said in a duh tone.

“Oh. I was thinking blackmail.” Niall said.

“Why do you want blackmail?” I said to Niall.

“Well, what I was thinking was we could have her be our personal cook, or else we would put the video on YouTube. Why do you want revenge? What is your plan for that?” Niall explained.

“Number 1: No. I don’t want her touching our food. Number 2: I want revenge because she kept flirting with Louis and tried to humiliate me on Tv, Number 3: I was thinking we could just go ahead and post it on YouTube. ” I said.

“Umm, I am still here. So can you include me in our conversation?” Louis asked.

Niall and I just ignored him.

“You have a good point not to do my idea…. So lets just do yours!” Niall said and ran to the kitchen.


“I will,” I said. I got onto the couch and sat down. Louis sat down next to me and turned on the DVR.

“One sec. Lou, Get the TV ready and I will get my phone to record it. Niall, Make some lasagna! I am starving!” I said. They both laughed in response.

“You do realize you just ate two bags of popcorn, a jar of nutella, and oreo’s. How are you still hungry?” Louis said.

“Deena is fast working.” I replied patting my stomach

“Deena?” Louis questioned.

“My metabolism. You should name yours and maybe it will work faster.” I said patting Louis’ stomach this time.

“ *Gasp* Are you saying I am fat?” Louis said with a weird, dramatic expression on his face. Special child….

“No. But It wouldn’t hurt to lose some extra pounds.” I said jokingly.

I went into the bedroom and got my phone. I went back into the living room to get ready to record. I stood in front of the TV trying to get a good and steady angle.

“Oh. I have something that might help.” Lou said and ran to his room.

He came back a couple minutes later with a tripod for phones.

Living With Louis #Wattys2014Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang