Chapter 11

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A/N: Ohhhhhh Hannah said I love you to Louis. How is he gonna act? Is he gonna say it back? READ THE FOLLOWING WORDS TO FIND OUT!



"Nothing Nevermind.." She said as I continued to bring her to the room. I layed her down on the bed and went to take my PJ's off.

"I love you Louis," she said to me.



"I love you Louis," she said to me.

I stood there frozen for a minute. "I love you too, Babe. Now go to sleep we are having a busy day tomorrow." I said. I am going to take her somewhere.

I would tell you but I don't know if you will tell her.

I am sorry maybe next time.

Or not.

I climbed into the cozy bed next to Hannah. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Then I fell into a dreamless sleep. JUST KIDDING! I had a dream I showed up to school naked... And then a power ranger was the principal and as punishment she ate me.



I woke up with the sun shining into my eyes. It was goddamn annoying. I got out of Louis' grasp and looked around. I looked at the clock and it said 6:52am. I shrugged and headed to my part of the closet.

I chose some red jeans, a blue and white striped shirt, a red beret, and red VANS. I also grabbed a purse that was brown leather with fringe tassels. I walked into the bedroom and set the clothes on the bed where I slept.

Then I walked into the bathroom and started the shower up. I undressed and got in. I did what I needed to do and turned the shower off. I looked at the clock that was in there and it said it was 7:08am.

I wrapped a fluffy towel around me and secured it. I looked in the mirror and brushed my teeth, blow dried my hair, brushed it into my loose waves and applied makeup. I used eyeliner, lipgloss, blue sparkly eyeshadow, blush, and concealer.

I walked into the bedroom with the towel wrapped around me and went over to the bed. I had JUST my jeans on when I was startled by someone-*Cough* Louis *Cough* saying,

"Well well well I didn't know you had a birthmark." He was talking about the one on my breast...... Way to know you looked there, Louis!

"Louis. Quit being perverted and take a shower." I instructed.

"I already thought you took one my deary." He responded. I was confused at first then I realized he thought I wanted to take one with him.

"Louis!" I scolded.

"Is it that time of the month again?" He said exhaling. I glared at him and growled. Literally growled. I tried jumping on top of him on the bed but he rolled off.

"Sweety, I know you want some of this but you know you could just ask. You don't half to jump at me half naked." I was seriously about to kill this guy. But instead I found an alternate....

I forced a smile and put my shirt on. I exited the room. After Liam was talking to Louis the day we met Liam came up to me and said if I needed anything just give him a call. These acting classes I took when I was little better pay off.

I went over to the phone and dialed Liam's number and walked into a closet so Louis couldn't hear.

"Hey, Hannah, whats up?" I heard at the end of the line. I started fake sobbing.

"Liam"sob, "Help," sob, "Me,"

"Hannah, calm down, what's wrong?"

"Louis, Is trying to kill me. I am in the closet, help." I said while 'sobbing' trying to hold back my laugh. I think those acting lessons did pay off...

I knocked on the closet door pretending to be Louis.

"Liam help me he is trying to get in!" Sob sob sob.

"Its fine I will be there with the boys in a minute. I gotta go call them so we have to get off the phone okay?"

"Okay." sob sob sob...

I heard the door open so I opened the closet one. I saw Liam, Zayn, and Harry go into Louis room while Niall was coming towards me. I turned around and thought of something sad so it would look like I was crying. I thought of dying with my peasant arse ex Tyler and a thousand birds...

I turned towards Niall and ran up to him and hugged him. I heard screaming from the bedroom so I looked towards the door. I saw Liam and Zayn holding onto half-naked Louis' arms while Harry was behind them.

"OKAY NOW TELL ME WHY LIAM ZAYN AND HARRY TRIED TO KILL ME!" Louis screamed at no one in particular.

"Well Hannah called me and said you were trying to murder her..." Liam trailed off while looking at Louis.

I couldn't hold back my laugh anymore and burst out laughing. I fell onto the ground with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Louis," Gasp, "Thats," gasp, "What," gasp, "You get," gasp, "for, "being, "Perverted." Everybody was looking at me like I was psychotic which is an understanding..

"Please explain." Liam said while raising an eyebrow. I stood up and brushed off the imaginary dirt off my outfit and explained what happened. Everyone was looking at Louis like WTF is wrong with you by the time I was done.

"I am so sorry Hanny," Louis said giving me a kiss on the lips.

"It's fine. I wasn't even mad at the beginning. Thats how good of an actress I am." I said. Haha. I fooled you at the beginning. I made you think I wanted to kill him but I was just thinking of his prank....

"Ok well I going to go now..." Liam said. Zayn, Niall, and Harry nodded in agreement and they left.

"Whatever. Now LETS GO GET BREAKFAST!," Louis screamed. While pulling me towards the door.

"Louis. Your forgetting your clothes.." I said.

"MY DREAM IS COMING TRUE! IF A POWER RANGER KNOCKS ON THE DOOR DO NOT ANSWER IT!" he yelled and ran off. I shook my head and sighed.

Living With Louis #Wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now