Chapter 4

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Louis POV


"It has been a pleasure sitting next to you and....Sleeping with you... I guess." I said as I bowed. Smooth. I thought to myself

"Thanks?" she said but it came out more like a question.

I went into hug her even though the paps were there ans would assume I was dating her. She took me into her embrass and I wispered "You better call me." I could feel the blush creep up my cheeks so I turned away and left.


Hannahs POV


"You better call me," he said and that put a blush on both of our cheeks. He ran over to the rest of One Direction as they all started talking. Probably asking what the heck happened and who I was. I saw him turn around and look at me so I just blushed.

I turned away and looked at Elle. After saying bye to 'Even' she came up to me with wide eyes. "Where the hell have you been?!" she yelled at me "I was worried you got kidnapped or thrown off the plane."

"Calm your arse down," I said and after I explained what happened as we were being driven to a hotel in a 'Taxi'. She stared at me with opened eyes and a shocked expression. She then just screemed at the top of her lungs. Right there. Right then. The cab driver looked at us like we were maniac phycos- wich was understandable- and then stopped the car. He told us the total- luckily he accepted notes because we hadn't had a chance to go exchange them yet- and sped off after we got our luggage out of the trunk.

We checked in and I looked at my card. "ROOM 3- 13 FLOOR" it said. I looked around the lobby. It was so fancy. The only reason we could afford this and first class seats was because Elle and I's parents were RICH and I mean rich. I went up to the 13th by the lift ( A/N Shut up. I know about thirteenth floors and the curse stuff but that will come later.) floor and checked out my new room. It had greenish walls that reminded me of spongebob square pants, and a dark purple carpet wich reminded me of the tellitubbies. I know what your thinking "Strange girl" I know. Whatever. I honestly don't care what you think.

I then decided to go swimming so I rummaged through my suitcase untill I found my purple/red/blue/green bikini. I went and changed into it in the bathroom. I came out and grabbed at towel and my key card. I walked down to the pool as someone rushed by me. I knew I have smelt that colone somewhere but I couldnt put my finger on it. I shook it off and got into the lift. I finally got to the lobby then I walked into the pool room.


Louis POV


I was only thinking about one thing (no punn intend) on the way to the hotel. Hannah. I was still thinking about her when we got to our hotel. I know what you are thinking- we dont have a place here cuz Uncle Si wanted us to wait to get to know the city.

I walked into the hotel and it was really fancy. I checked in first and got my room key. "ROOM 4- 13 FLOOR" it said as I read the inscription running to the lift. I rushed by a girl and I knew I had smelt that perfume before but I couldn't put my finger on it. I wanted to be alone to clear my thoughts so I decided I would go swimming. I walked into my room. I looked at the green walls and the dark purple carpet. I instantly thought of spongebob and the tellitubbies. I shook that thought from my mind as I changed into my swim trunks with carrots on them. I know what your thinking- "Strange Boy"- I honestly dont care. I waltzed out of my room, walked back in, got a towel, and then walked back out. Then I repeated the in and out process untill i got everythink I needed.

As I walked down to the pool I didnt find the boys anywhere and I wondered why. I shook the thought off and put the key card into the slot to open the door. I opened it and I saw her. Hannah.


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