Chapter 17

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A/N Im doing this on my phone so sorry for mistakes.

Yes, I am still alive and sorry for making you wait. I had a completely busy life since I last updated because:

I started school at a new school so I was confuzzled as to where everything was.

I started school so I needed to get In a better schedule where I have time to update.

HOMEWORK! I have A LOT of homework because my teachers are doo-doo heads.

When I would actually have time to update my mom comes along with more stuff I need to do.

The only way I am uploading this is that my mom is not home, and I am finally being left alone. I am going to try to make this long. I feel like crap because I'm sick, and I really wanna watch SpongeBob so I am only updating cuz I love you guys!

And BTW what do you want this fandomy namey thingy to be?

TheAwesomeUnicornNinjas VS. MyLittleVampires.




"YOU ARE MOVING?" Liam said.

"Oh. Shit. Just. Got. Real."


Louis' POV

"Oh. Shit. Just. Got. Real." Hannah said from behind me. Liam looked at her then at me.

"Explain." Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Niall said at the same time. I wonder if they practiced that?.....

"Ok, we will just go sit down on the..", Hannah looked over to where the couch is covered in boxes, "..floor.....?". She finished but it sounded more as a question.

They all walked over and sat on the floor. "Go," Zayn said.

We-No- I- Explained it because Hannah went to go get food, but wasn't back yet. I wonder if she is ok...

"Ok, then. K bye." Niall said and started to walk out but stopped and turned around. "Wait.... Where's Hannah?"


Hannah's POV

I snuck out of the room to go get food while Louis was explaining the moving thing. I was chewing happily on my crisps (A/N Chips) when I felt the urge to throw up.

I dropped my chips and ran to the bathroom. I emptied my stomachs contents and continued with that for the next couple minutes-which felt like hours.

I heard some noises and someone, who I think was Louis, call my name. "In here!" I choked out then puked again.

Louis and the other boys ran in. Louis and Niall came in and sat down next to me. My hair was up in a messy bun which I failed at multiple times- so Louis just rubbed my back.

The other boys stood by the door not sure what to do.

Once I was done, Louis fired a bunch of questions at me, "What's wrong? Are you OK? What happened? Di-" I cut him off there.

"I'm fine. Probably ate some expired food," I shrugged. I stood up. Everyone else followed me into the living room engaged by their own conversations. Me, being the lazy person I am, sat down on the closest thing near me.

"Hello," I said as I sat on Louis' lap.

"Hi, babe," He said as he grinned. He leaned in for a kiss, as did I, but before our lips met,

there was a knock on the door.

I sighed, puffed out my bottom lip, and looked at Louis. "Cwan you gwo gwet thwa dwoor pweese???,"

"Awwww. Hm? I will if you come with me." He looked at me and I sighed and nodded. I stood up and walked to the door, Louis following me in suit. I opened the door to come face to face with a mover. He grinned at me with his yellow, disgusting teeth.

I looked at Louis and then he pulled me behind him, which I was happy for. The other boys were all occupied by their phones to notice that there was a knock on the door, never mind another goblin- I mean person in the room.

Louis tried his best to no punch the mover, and instead started the conversation. "Hi, I'm Louis and this is my girlfriend Hannah," The weirdo put on a sour look on his face,"you must have been sent here by Simon?"

The guy-thing nodded. "I'm Alfred, so where is your stuff?" He asked and Louis nodded his head towards the living room where everything was. When he started walking in a bunch of old creepy men followed so Louis pushed me behind his back, which I was very grateful for. We watched as the guys shot me winks, Louis almost commiting murder, and went in and out with our stuff.


After all the creepy men and the boys left, Louis and I said goodbye to Elle and the boys, and went out to the moving van. The boys said they would visit soon and bring Elle along. Since Louis has been there before so we didn't need a GPS. We turned on the radio and started singing at the top of our lungs with the windows rolled down. We got a lot of awed and strange looks because Louis Tomlinson and an unknown girl singing Demi Lovato songs.

"LET IT GO LET IT GO CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!" Louis and I screamed as we pulled up next to a big gate. He entered a passcode as the gate opened.

He turned to me. "I will write it down for you on a piece of paper when we get inside."

I nodded. "Okie Dokie Artichockie." Louis gave me a strange look.

"What? Its how I roll." I said and did a weird gangster gesture.

"Okay...." He said as he stopped the truck on the driveway.

Living With Louis #Wattys2014जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें