Chapter 5: Lunch Break

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Mayra's POV

I finally got done with making the peppermint mocha frappe and 2 hot chocolates with peppermint. I was exhausted and Leonard could tell.
"Do you want to take a lunch break?" He asked.
"Yeah, why not. I'm starving." I then took off my hat and apron and ordered a slice of pizza and Sprite. After when I grabbed the food and drink, I sat down at the table at Starbucks and started eating. But then, I saw a a guy walking towards me and he sat down across from me.
"Uh, May I help you?" I asked.
"Hey, uh... how's it going?" The guy asked.
"Nothing, just enjoying my lunch." I said hoping he leaves.
"That pizza you got there looks pretty cheesy if I do say so myself." He said.
I just continued to eat my food.
"What's your name?" He asked.
Really? Why does he want to know my name? Is he hitting on me? I'll just go with the flow.
"My name is Mayra." I told him.
"Oh, you mean like Elmyra from the Looney toons show?! I love that show!" He Yelled. Oh goodness, another version of Vicky. :/
"Haha, yeah I get that a lot and what might be your name?" I asked.
"My name is Daniel, but people call me Danny for short" he replied.
We got to know each other some more, he talked about his family and I talked about my family and what they did for a living. Finally my lunch break was over.
"Hehe, well it was good to meet you." I said.
"Wait, do you work tomorrow?" He asked.
It took me a moment to think about either to answer him or not. So I responded him with a nod.
"Ok, cool! What time do you get off? Not that I want to take you out or anything, I ask because I want to be the last customer for you tomorrow." He said. He's totally flirting with me. But I'd rather be nice.
"4pm is when I get off tomorrow" I replied.
"Well then, I will see you tomorrow!" He said. I just left and put on my apron and hat on. What a weirdo.

Daniel's POV

Finally I got some information out of her. Maybe David might reward me haha. I walked up to Chris and David and told them what had happened.
"Well, what time does she get off tomorrow?!" David asked.
"She gets off at 4pm." I said.
"Okay, what does her parents do for a living?"
I didn't want to say, because with David's plan, it might just not work. But I told him anyways.
"Her dad is a cop, and her mom is a Medical doctor." I said.
David's face turned pale.
"Crap! Seriously?" He asked. I nodded.
David sighs, I could tell he was frustrated, but when David gets frustrated we all get frustrated. True story.
"So, what are you gonna do now David?" Chris asked.
David was thinking long and hard. "I say we still do it. We can get some big bucks out of them. They get paid well." He responded. "But I need your guys help on this. I will share the money with you both and if you'd like, you can both live with me in Vegas. What do you say?"
I looked at Chris, I can tell he didn't want to do this but I would help David because he's such a good friend to me. Plus I would love to live in Vegas with him and get all the chicks.
"I'm in!" I said, "but you better take me to Vegas bro." He smiled.
"How about you Chris, what do you say?" He asked.
It took a long time to get an answer from him.
"Okay, I'm in. But we can't harm her okay. I don't like hurting girls." He said.
David grinned, "don't worry leave the hurting and threats to me. Boys, we're going to Vegas!"

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