Chp 1-Surprise!!!!!!!!!

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hey people listen please read this story i promise i wont bug you with long author notes and i'm only going to ask for a little patience coz i'm new nd the first chapter might not look that gr8 but if u stick through it i promise u will njoy it alot..I know Dean and Sam don't come for the starting two chps but please stick thru and you will not be let down...loads of love<3<3 xoxoxo



Chp 1-Surprise!!!!!!!!! 

"Surprise!! " Was all she could hear...the room was dark and she couldn't make out anything...what were they upto she thought... 

Suddenly the lights were switched on and there stood the people she loved more than anything on this Earth-her family... Amadea was grinning from one ear to another as she saw the huge bouquet of flowers and the two tired birthday cake that her family had got for her. There in the crowd stood her father Mr. Croft a rather regal looking man in his late forties. He loved cars and had an exquisite collection of them, but most of all he loved his two daughters Amadea and Aria. They meant the world to him. 

Mrs. Croft wasn't the usual loving mother; she had given up her life for her two daughters and well her hard work was paying off, she had two most understanding girls as her daughter. 

"Come on Amy just cut the cake already I'm bloody hungry. I'll eat it without you cutting it and you know that now don't try my patience..." Aria could be heard screaming over all the birthday wishes. Aria, how can you possibly explain this puzzle for a girl? At the young age of 18 she was a lot like an elder sister to her sibling Amadea. Sometimes it was hard to know what went on between them or who was taking care of whom. They were inseparably co dependant yet in their own ways so different. Aria stood at a good 5' 6" and had a slender body with just the right curves. With dark straight brunette hair and light natural streaks that went a bit below her shoulders she was beautiful in her own ways. Her face was a bit long with a sharp nose and pretty sharp features and when you look at her she may come across as egoistic but she was a complete tomboy at heart and a friend to die for. Her big brown eyes were a door to her emotions but only her sister had ever been able to see through them. 

Aria pulled Amadea to the huge centre table where the large cake had been placed. Amadea was breath taken at the sight of the cake. It was a perfect princess cake with tiara and handbag fondants all around it. On top of the cake was a huge candle which said "21". 

"All right all right I'm cutting it Aria just let me take a good look at it first.."Amadea said halfway between a squeal and a giggle. Amadea or better known as Amy to her friends and family was what you may call as pristine beauty. Her enormous onyx eyes matched her dark black hair which with her light curls flew just above her hips. Her round face easily complemented her curvaceous body. A perfect dancers figure she never took pride in her outer beauty as somehow even at her young age she was above this meagre mess. Slightly shorter than her sibling she had an almost perfect natural tan. Aria had somehow become her protector in all these years because her sister failed to see the appeal she had for her fellow peers.  

While the cake was being examined by her elder sister Aria had already started licking some of the icing from the corners. "Now now my little Aria it's bad manners to lick the icing from someone's cake even before they have had a chance to cut it," her father playfully chided. After receiving a rather playful nudge and a scorn from her sister the cake was finally cut and Aria satiated her hunger quickly by gulping mouthfuls of the cake. 

While Amy was being showered with best wishes and gifts from the guests Aria had snuck under the bar with her friends from the football team and was mixing vodka in all the mock tails.  

After some time when Amy finally caught sight of her sister the playful grin on her younger sister's face gave her a forewarning that she was up to no good. She headed up to her and asked "Aria darling where are you hiding my supposedly best gift ever??" She remembered how Aria had been bantering since a week about getting her the most awesome gift a younger sister could ever get. "Go up to your room sissy..." was all she got as an answer from her baby sis. 

When Amy entered her room she saw a huge banner which said.. 


Below the banner was a beautiful purple coloured dress. A strapless dress with a deep heart-shaped neckline that clung to her body showcasing her curves and just below her waist the dress flew down in many layers, giving her an added voluptuous look. Amadea loved her dress. She couldn't believe that Aria had bought her something like this. She quickly got dressed and did a few touch-ups to her make-up. In roughly 20mins she was ready with a black Channel clutch and black pumps that made her almost as tall as her Aria. Coming down the stairs she saw Aria waiting impatiently for her while helping herself with a few more finger sandwiches. 

Amy looked at her sister and thought that she looked just perfect. Aria had on a V neck blood red plain t-shirt that clung to her figure more than Amy would like but she knew that Aria never thought of it that way. Her leather jacket was hanging on her arms and her tight fit black jeans merged perfectly with her boots. 

The minute Amy stepped down the stairs she found her mother pulling her away from the crowd. 

"Oh my darling you look beautiful!" 

"Thank you mommy!" 

"Sweetheart you remember that portrait of your grandma that you used to adore so much." 

"Oh yes! She looks lovely in it and her onyx pendant is to die for Mother." 

"Well think what we got for your 21st birthday??" 

"OMG OMG you got that pendant...don't tell me you got that pendant???" 

"Yes honey we found it in her old lockers when we had visited the Croft Estate in London. And guess what your father and I decided that since you love it so much it should be your 21st birthday gift." 

"Oh God! Thank you mom thanks a lot. I really love it." 

Her mother opened a medium sized maroon coloured box and inside it was the pendant of Amadea's dreams. It was held in a string of silver and the onyx was heart shaped with a diamond leaves on it [picture]. Amy quickly wore it and at that very minute she heard Aria swear. 

Amadea headed towards her sister and saw her give out a big sigh of relief and mouth the words FINALLY.  

"Aria...thank you so much sweetheart!! I love the dress and coming from you I know the amount of pain you must have taken to get it thank you honey plum..." 

"Okay kay sissy enough with your bucketful of gratitude. If you really wanna show me your thankfulness then you will hurry up for the party." 

At that precise moment Aria's eyes landed on her sister's footwear and she let out a loud groan. "Amy my dearest sister in which dimension do you think you are that you are wearing pumps to a road trip party??" 

"My dimension Baby sis coz it's my b'day," saying this she headed towards the door leaving her sister face palming herself. 

The minute she stepped out of the door only two words escaped her mouth, "HOLY SHIT!!!!"

SUPERNATURAL FANFIC-JUST FOR YOU!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora