11. Fight Club.

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"I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant."

- Markus Zusak


Sometimes I think the universe has a way to pick the worst day to knock us down. Like oh, this person is having a bad day, it would be a shame if something even worse would happen. For example, when I was in the 5th grade our teacher, Mrs. Clarke sent us off to our seats to independently read. I was just about to dive into my book when suddenly I sneezed causing me to fart the exact same time. The room that was once dead silent due to everyone already reading their books was now filled with roaring laughter and I wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow me whole right then and there.

And if that wasn't enough later that day when I was coming back to the third foster home that year, there were already social workers waiting for me when I arrived. They told me I was going to be transferred to another house and that I should go pack my things. I begged them not take me from Ada, but it was no use. They said she was unfit to take care of me anymore. Ada was in her late sixty's or early seventy's I can't remember now. What I do remember is I actually enjoyed living with her. She was the sweetest lady I ever met, she gave me hope that maybe not everyone in the system was horrible. I was devastated, to say the least. And from that moment on I knew the universe was against me.

"Wake up, sleeping ugly," Wyatt shouted, barging into my room.

"I'm already awake." I offered him a small smile, running the brush through my hair.

"Great, you're coming with Phoenix, Indy, Kina and I after school to go shopping." He declared.

Go shopping? How was I suppose to go shopping without any money? I mean it would be nice to get out of the house and explore the town. I looked up at Wyatt and saw his bright blue eyes shining down at me with excitement. I couldn't go even if I wanted to though, I was supposed to go with Axel after school so he could teach me how to fight. And if I cancel on him, he probably wouldn't give me another chance, seeing as he didn't want to in the first place.

"I-i can't." I knew he was going to be disappointed.

"And why in the hell not?" He asked confused.

"I have plans after school," I told him, which wasn't exactly a lie.

"And those plans would be?" He dragged out, not accepting my answer.

"I um, I joined the book club." I lied. "Yep, book club," I repeated to myself.

I mentally facepalmed, I was useless under pressure. But I couldn't tell him the real reason, especially the whole Axel teaching part. I feel like that wouldn't end well for anyone.

"We have a book club?" Wyatt asked confused, making a face.

"That's a good question," I muttered under my breath.

"You say something?" Wyatt looked over at me.

"Yeah, I said can I take a rain check? You know when I money to go shopping?" I covered for myself.

"Oh did no one tell you?" He spoke out.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Rose put a hundred dollars and one of her old phones in the nightstand." He said walking over to my bed and pulling out the phone and money.

"She knew you were coming here with literally nothing but the clothes on your back. So she thought you'd want to buy yourself some clothes, ya know?"

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