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Hey guys! Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on my story! Can't believe it actually have 20k reads! You guys are the best.

Thus, you've motivated me to do another Middle Earth story, either Lord of the rings or the Hobbit. And you get to decide which one you want me to do! So fanfics I can do are the following:

-legolas in the Hobbit
-legolas in the Lord of the rings
-thorin oakenshield
-kili or fill
-or anyone else you guys want me to do (even another aragorn one)

Comment below what you want. I'll wait around one to two weeks to see how many replies I have and then start whatever you guys want.

Once again that you so much for reading and hopefully liking the book! Love you all so much😘

Aleana and AragornWhere stories live. Discover now