Chapter 5

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As I was about to tell Krystal about what diggy said to me. Perry, yes freaking Perry walked up to us "Excuse me ladies" he said

"Yes" I said.

"Do you ladies happen to have back stage passes?" he asked.

"Yes We DO" Krystal said proudly.

Perry laughed and told us to follow him back stage. When we reached the green room we seen all the artists that performed tonight. I got hugs and autographs from everyone so did Krystal she was making her moves on Khalil.

I was sitting on the red couch when Diggy made his way over to me. He walk over so smoothly my butterflies had returned but I had to ignore all that now.

"Hey beautiful" he said to me as he took a seat next to me.

"Hey" I replied back cool and calm.

"Whats your name?" he asked

"Lilian but everyone calls me Lily" I answered back.

"Lily huh? I thought it would be something along the lines of beautiful or gorgeous" he said with a smirk on his face. 

"Ohh Really?" I said replying with a smirk.

"So are you going to call me?" he asked me.

"Is this your REAL number?" I asked stressing the word real.

"Want you try and use it" he said.

"Maybe I will or maybe I won't" I said grinning.

"Lily" he said my name it gave me chills that ran up and down my spine.

"Yes" I said softly.

"I hope you do use it and it's my REAL number" he said before walking away.

--The Next Morning

I woke up, I looked around and realized I wasn't at home in my bed. The heavenly smell of breakfast woke me up "Krystal"  I said horsed. I lost my voice. 

"Yeah girl we finally made it home" she said jumping back into her bed.

"What happened last night? What importantly who drove us home? Where is my dad's car?" I asked more alert.

"Take a chill pill after the concert we went to grab something to eat with Daniel and them. They dropped us off and your dad car is in the driveway." she said pointing out the window.

"He carried you up to my room because you were knocked out snoring and all" she said with a menacing smile.

"Daniel?" I called out placing my hands over my hands over my mouth. "Last night was REAL?"

"Too REAL" she said. She was pointing to the vase of the long stem roses that Diggy have gave to me.

"Yo ass is lying. We didn't kick it with them yesterday" I said.

"Yes we did and it was too much fun" she said all smiley.

I ran over to my purse and found Diggy's number still in there. Next, I looked for my phone. I then dialed the number as the events were starting to come back to me. 

Its started to ring.

"Who are you calling" Krystal asked.

"Shhh" I said.


A familiar yet sexy voice rang through the phone. I immediately hang up, screaming up and down "OMG HE REALLY GAVE IT TO ME!!"

"Who gave you what?" Krystal asked with excitement in her voice. She got out of bed and made her way over to me to make me stop jumping. 

"WHAT?" she asked impatiently.


Was it diggy?  I mean she did hang up!! & what happened the night before? Will krystal believe her...

She was fan girling too hard.

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