Chapter 22

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2 months later

I grip the sides of the toilet, and placed my head in the bowl as I throw up, profusely.

"I can't do this" I said taking the paper towel to wipe my mouth.

"Yes, you can" Diggy said handing me some water.

I took a swig of the water seeing how I can't keep anything down.

I was in the hospital and I had just got down with my third dose of raditation. Diggy was here visiting me, I shook my head.

"No, I'm not strong enough." I leaned my head against the wall.

This radation was sucking the life out of me. I looked at myself in the vanity mirror on the door.

"Did you or did you not make it out of Miami?" He asked.

I nodded while staring at myself I was wearing a hostipal gown. My hair was now in a ponytail and I looked pale. My eyes were darkest part on my whole face, I had bags underneath both of them.

Diggy caught me looking at myself.

"That's not you" he came and sat next to me.

But sadly it is me. I let a tear fall from my eye, I don't see that same girl that was young and beautiful.

"You are beautiful even if you can't see it rig-" he said.

"Daniel stop.... Please" I said horesly. "I'm far from it."

"No, you aren't and I'm going to be right here to tell you that are beautiful. You need to have hope. That it will be okay."

I got back on my knees to throw up again, it wouldn't stop.

My body was weak, my stomach hurted from throwning up so much and my throat burned. Once I was done, I felt better well atleast I didn't the urge to throw up anymore.

Diggy help me up, I hated him for seeing me like this. I brushed my teeth and rinse my mouth with listerine.

Hope was not in my vocabulary right now.

I got back in bed and Diggy sat next to me in a chair taking my hand into his. I saw all the flowers that had been placed around my room.

I had 2 boxes of chocolates sitting on my nightstand.

"Ok what you want to watch?" he asked with a smile flipping threw the channels.

I was envious that he looked so happy, I wanted that back. He justed look nothing in the world could touch him. I looked at him with disgust I couldnt take it anymore, I had to ask.

"Why are you here?" I asked with a clear attitude.

"I'm here be-"

"You are a celebrity. You could be out doing whatever you want." he started to chuckle like it was funny.

"Daniel, get out." I snapped.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm here because my girlfriend is here. I know I'm a celebrity, I don't know why you insist on reminding me? I'm doing exactly what I want to do which, is to be here with you" he looked me dead in my eyes.

"But you should be making music for your fans. Partying doing whatever you usually do. Instead of taking caring of your 19 yr old-"

"You wanna argue with me?" he cut me off. "cause Lily we can argue if you really want too" he said coldly.

"Bottom line, I'm not leaving because you think I should be doing something that you THINK I would be doing."

"But you WOULDN'T be here, I WOULDN'T be here. I would be in class.WE WOULD be on a date somewhere!!" I felt the tears sliding down my face out of anger. "This sucks Daniel it really does. You aren't making it better by smiling and laughing while im in pain & can't barely move" I snap.

"This smile is fake, Lily. I'm scared for you. It hurts seeing you like this because I KNOW this isn't you. I wish that I could beat this for you." I seen tears fall onto his face.

"You stronger than you think, baby! I have so much faith in you that you will get better."

He was now standing up, he grabbed my face with both of his hands bringing his face closer to mines.

"You are so beautiful, smart, and strong willed that you are fighting with me. Just to prove that we still a normal couple. & I get it ba-baby I truly do."

I could help it, I felt like our like relationship was losing the spark that we had.

"I feel like you are going to leave me cause it will get to be to much for you. So I want you to leave me now while I'm hurt and broken." I confessed and he wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled me into a hug.

"I will never leave you." He said as he kissed the top of my hair.

"I'm here & I'm not going anywhere. " he whispered.

I felt little droplets of his tears drop on my hair.

"Happy Valentine's Day Boo" he said.

A great way to spend our first Valentine's day.


I'm sitting on the beach letting the water reach my toes. My hair is thinning but it still blows in the wind, I'm back home in Cali. I had to leave my dream school, but I'm still trying to become that elementary school teacher.

I enroll in a local community college taking my general education classes. I grip the sand and toss it into the water it been 8 months since I found out I was going to die.

Today was going to be a good day, I needed a good day.

I cried for nearly a month before I actually started to get treatment. They literally dragged me to the hospital. Within days of finding out I was back home my Dad cried as he saw me in the airport. I never seen him cry ever. But knowing that your only daughter your only baby girl in the world had a possiblity of dying, could do that to anybody.

You would think that it put a strange on my parents relationship but it hasn't

"I promise you baby girl we will get through" my dad voice rang.

"We will not give up" my mom said. I could barely understand her through her tears.

I felt the sunrise approach on the horizon. even though we are financially in trouble they never argued around me.

"Hey beautiful" a voice said from behind me.

"Hey" they handed me my pills for today and a glass of water.

"Do I have too?" I whinned.

"If you want to get better" I took my 5 daily pills, & swallowed and followed it with water.

"Let me see"

I open my mouth wide and move my tongue around

"see?" I said before sticking out my tongue.

He took a seat next to me, before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"How do you feel today" he asked me.

"Today is going to be a good day" I proclaimed.

"I hope soo" he said.

"I know soo" as we stared at the sunrise.

"Digg, do you still love me?" I asked moving my hair out my face and staring at his face. The sun was beaning off his face he looked so good.

He licked his full lips and looked me in the eye while saying

"Yes, I do don't you ever think otherwise. Lil, I love you." The way he said it made me believe but i wasn't fully conviced.

"I didn't leave my family in NY just because I liked you. I promise to always be here"

He cuffed my face to kiss me passionately, are lips danced as his tongue wanted me to allow him access into my mouth.

He lay me down gently on to the sand before he slip between my legs.

He pulled away only for a moment to say it 1 more time

"I'm in love with you Lilian  Marie Ann Cole." he begin to kiss me again

I knew today was going to be a good day.

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