Chapter 28

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"Make another one please Lily!" Krystal was begging me.

"I will think about Krystal."

Krystal wanted me to make another twitter. I had to delete my first one because the night I found out I was sick was also the night Diggy told his fans about us.

A few weeks later they found out I was sick. I was getting was hate tweets & people telling me to stop faking it. That really didn't help at the time but, seeing how I had the time of my life last night. Nothing and I mean nothing could, bring down my mood. I already had the guy of my dreams and he loves me.

"Okayy hand me the laptop. But after this we are off to get your tattoo." I said.

"Yaay!" She said and then hit that shoulder dance.

"Stawwwwp"i laughed.



@diggy_simmons: I want no hate, this time around. Gad too see my baby back on social media. @LilyRELOADED   

We pulled to the best tattoo in LA! Khalil & Diggy were already there. We open the door and we seen them looking at tattoos.

"Hey baby" I said.

Dig turned around I swear his eyes got so big, & he licked his lips. He rushed over to kiss me, we made out for 2 minutes. It felt like I hadn't seen him all day.

"Hey to you to Digg" Krystal interrupted us. We pulled away and laughed.

"Sorry Krystal, I just missed my baby." He said while making his way over to hug her as I said spoke to Khalil.

Diggy was standing behind me with his arms around me. "You look so sexy" he whispered in my ear.

"I gotta hide yo ass cause all these guys was looking at you. I don't want to hurt anybody over what's mines."

"Nope. We can't have that, now can we " I said.

"Nope cause that ass is mine. Did I tell how good you left last night?" he moved some hair away from my ear & nibbled on it.

"Stop Danny, we in public." I said giggling.

They finally decided on getting a little tattoo on their left hand at the bottom of their thumbs of an anchor with a "K" underneath it. As they both got prep for their tattoos

"I wanna get one" I stated to Diggy.

"Of what?" He asked. I whispered in his ear of the ideal I had. He smiled "I got you" he said as I hugged him.

"But you going to repay me later." he said in my ear as I pulled away he winked at me. I bit down on my lip as I disappeared behind the curtains.

That's my baby.

I few weeks later me and Danny went up to New York so he could visit his family. Even though next month we would moving back here.

"Family!" He called out as we entered he house. He held my hand as he closed the door.

"Ayye Bro" Russy said. "Hey Lily" he gave me a hug.

"Hey Russy" I said.

"Lily is here" he screamed through the house again.

"& what about me?" Diggy asked.

"& skinny, niggy, Diggy is here too." he said.

"Don't be mad that your family loves me more" I kissed his cheek.

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