Chapter 23

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I was back in my house now watching TV.

"LILY MARRRRIIE" a familiar voice called though my house. I turned around to see them standing in the doorway. I swiftly jump off the couch running to her

"KRYSTALLLL" I embraced my best friend in a hug.

When I pulled away I saw her crying

"Lily...." She cried harder.

"Stop you are going to make me cry." I felt teats threaten to fall on my face.

We haven't see each other since we left for college. When I told her I had cancer she was about to leave but I told her to stay, we both couldn't leave our dream school.

"I should have left... Your my bestfriend & your sick and you needed me."

"Noo you are here now so thats all thats no matters." we took a seat on the couch.

Krystal eyes roam my body "It looks like nothing is wrong with you."

"Please don't say that.... I lost so much weight-"

"Nothing  a little cornbread & greens cant fix. " we laughed.

"I missed you!! Everyone around here has been treating me like a baby. I know I'm sick but please don't treat me any different from when I wasn't it. You know what I mean?" Tears rolled down my check.

Krystal wiped her tears "Girl like I said I don't see anything wrong with you."

I smiled a little as we continue to talk, laugh, cry, & gossip for about 2 hours.

"Really? That is sad" I laughed. " I swear you're still a mess"

I looked down at my phone and look at my wallpaper which was a picture of me and diggy. I was sleeping on his chest and I think he got bored and started taking pictures of himself with me on him chest.


"What? What's wrong?" Krystal asked me, her eyes were full of worry.

"I got a checkup today. You know ever since they remove the tumor, I really haven't had a bad day."

"Okay, what time is it?"

"Its at 3:30 my parents are at work. Diggy has been doing everything around here for me, so could you drive me?"

"Sure, girl anything for you" she playfully nudged me.


There was a reason why I wanted Krystal to drive me. This was the appointment where I found out if my cancer is in remission.

I told everyone else that it is tomorrow I just didn't want everyone in the room with me when I find out.

I wanted to find out on my own without Diggy or my parents on my back. I know Diggy and I promise each other not to keep secrets, but there are some things you just need to do on your own. I'm mean I love them with all my heart but I'm 20 not 7.

I just hope they won't be mad.

We drove up to the hospital where they ran several tests on me, to make sure they have accurate data.


I had just got done with a photo shoot, I had called Lily but her phone went straight to voicemail. I called Krystal I knew she would be back in town today.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hey krystal. It's me Diggy is Lily with you?"

"I mean I do have caller ID. But not at the moment though we at her doctor's appointment." She said.

"Doctors appointment!" I slightly yelled.

"Yeah she said that she didn't wanna bother you. So she asked me to drive her."

"She could never bother me, but she said that appointment was tomorrow. I will be right over, don't tell her I'm coming though okay."

"Alright Digg"

"Thanks krystal"

I hung up the phone, in an instant I ran to the car.

What happened to not keeping secrets?


After I got done taking a bunch of tests, I was now sitting in the doctors office, patiently. I have been in chemotherapy for 9 months. I had the tumor removed 7 months ago from my stomach.

I was so anxious, my hands are so sweaty, and my leg keep bouncing up & down.

Through the constant throwing up, the 7 pills a day not to mention 3 of them was horse pills. My hair falling out & me losing so much weight, I need to know if all this worked. My relationship doesn't even feel like a relationship because, he has done so much for me.

I have so much making up to do. I never complain, I just wanted to be back in New York with Diggy is that too much to ask.

I believe in my heart Diggy was supposed to help me through this journey. Because on them worse days, where I can hardly move, he was there.

My long full hair has lost some of its lush & fulliness but he was still right there calling me beautiful everyday. From the tine I wake up and if he had to go take care of his business he would call one more before I went to sleep.

I love him so much, it hurts so much to keep a secret from him but I hope he would understand. I just needed to do this for myself. I really feel like I don't deserve him, I stared out the window. It was a sunny day, the wind blew in a gentle breeze in the office.

Our relationship has missed out on so much, from valentimes day to our one year anniversary. Which consisted of us on our way to a movie and dinner. I thought I would have been able to handle it, but I became sick & I was rush back to the hospital. But we still spent it together watching a lifetime movie & snacks from the vending machine.


"I'm so sorry, Diggy" I felt soo bad.

"Lil, it's alright. We have plenty of more anniversaries to come boo. "

"But it's our first one" I looked down. "We will never be able to get it back."

"But we have so many more to come." He lifted my head up and smile.

I moved over and made some room for him to get in the bed with me.

"Come up here." I patted the hospital non-soft bed.

He broke off a piece of his kitkat and placed it into his mouth. The kid brought all of them I swear and climb into bed with me.

"Diggy, I lo-"

He kissed me, like it was my first night in New York. He hasn't kissed me like this on a while. So dwelled in the moment and kissed him back.

We pulled away to catch our breath, and our smiles said it all.

I laid my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head. Where we laid in peaceful silence as we watched the rest of the movie.

The Doctor came in finally and took a seat in front of me.

"Sorry about the wait, Ms. Cole we just had-"

"Look just tell me, don't bullshit me right now." I cut him off.

I have been waiting to long for this day.

The doctor looked down at his papers in front on him.


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