Chapter 24

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The doctor looked down at his papers in front of him.


I swallowed hard, as he began to tell me my fate. Now all I wanted was Diggy by my side.

"Its gone, its gone you beat it. It's remarkable but we caught it just in time before it got severe. No more pills or chemo, you're free.

You are cancer free." he said with a smile on his face.

I sat there in amazement, I did it. We did it, I couldn't wait to tell Diggy! There was a knock on your door then walked in Diggy. I jump out of my seat & ran to him with tears in my eyes.

"No more..... I free" I said really fast.

"What?" He laughed. "Slooww down"

"Baby, we beat it no more cancer its gone." I said.

his eyes got wide before he hugged me super tight. "I told you, we would beat it" he said well crying.

"Thank you so much for never allowing me to give up. Thank you for being right here by my side. I love you."

"You're welcome! But don't EVER keep a secret like that away from me, again." He told me before pecking my lips.

" I love you too"he said we sat down & let the doctor finish explaining, he held my hand the entire time.

We got back to my house, and we gathered everyone, I mean everyone : my grandparents, cousins, uncles and aunties.

Diggy was holding my hand we stood up

"Thank you all for coming, but I have something to say" I began.

"Thank you all for supporting me-" I begin to choke on my words. " Through this rough time in my life I love you all so much. But-" tears begin to run off my face. " these tears aren't of sadness they are tears of joy."

my mom came up to me & patted me on my back.

" I'm glad to say that I'm cancer free" I shouted!

Everyone faces said that their was  disbelief " I went to the doctors today" I turn to my parents who were shocked the most.

"Its true" Diggy helped me explain. Before I knew it everyone was crying, they are jump towards me to give me a hug.

-- Weeks Later --


Its August & I'm still in LA I couldn't leave her yet. I fly back to NY for business & of course to see my family. Lily had getting healthy and might I add the girl is looking gooooood. I'm about to go on tour for 2 months. In sitting in my apartment Lily told me to wait here.

I heard her knock on the door, I open to see her smiling wide with her hands full with bags. I don't know how she knock on the door.

"Thanks babe" she said reaching up to peck my lips.

"No problem" I walked over to the kitchen and placed the bags down. "What's all this?" I asked looking at the bags.

"Dinner" she said getting a water bottle out the fridge. She was wearing these converse, black shorts, with a hot pink shirt that had PINK in black letters. Her hair was in two bun that sat on top of her head.

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