Chapter 8

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Just as we were leaning, just as our lips almost mashed together in perfect harmony, the sprinkle system went off. Spraying me and Diggy he then grab my hand helping me up as we ran out of our paradise.

Later On--

After we got dried off. "So where is the next stop on the tour?" I asked.

"Las Vegas" he said with enthusiasm.

"I'm jelly. Really?" I asked punching his arm.

"Can't wait" he said. He looked at his watch. "Lets get you home" he said as we walk back to the limo. I look at the garden one last time before we sped off.

At Lily's Front Door


Lily is an astonishing girl she had a wonderful personality and she was drop dead gorgeous. How was she not taken but it doesn't matter because soon she will be taken by me. The only thing was that she lived in here in LA and I was still on the tour for the rest of the summer and plus I live in New York.


I wanted Diggy to ask, ask me to be his but then again I really don't know him. I felt the man of dreams slipping away from me before I even had the chance. 

"I know that this kind soon but I would love to hang with you again." he started off.

"Me too who knew that dreams can actually come true" I said.

"I'm going to be on tour for the rest of the summer but I would love it if we still talk" he finished.

"Yeah I would love that."

"Maybe after the tour me and you could give us a shot." he said and I damn neared fainted.

"Yeah" I stated.

He cupped my face with his right hand looking me in the eyes and kissed my cheek. Damn.

"I'll call you later Lily-bug" he called out before walking back to the limo.

This summer need to hurry up and end I though to myself before I open the door and shut it close.

-- A Month Later --

We was Panda Express ordering some food.  "Lily, buy me somee" Krystal was whining,

"No you should have saved your money."

Me and Krystal and small group of our friends took road trip we were headed to Miami.

"I got you girl" Quinn said.

"Yeah but you owe me now" her boyfriend Quincy said.

 As for me and Diggy we haven't talk at all since the day of our date. I only told Krystal and my cousin Veronica. I'm not mad that we haven't but it hurts just a little. I mean he does have shows.


We arrived at our hotel an hour later.

"So you ain't going to help a sister out?" I asked my friend Rick.

"Come on you know you got 40 bags between you, Krystal and Quinn."

"Boy if you don't stop complaining"  I raised my arm up at him. "And carry them bags upstairs Imma hurt you!" We started to laugh.


"Still no text messages" Krystal caught me staring at my phone once we settled in.

"I'm over him" I said but I didn't believe it.

"Girl I know you ain't but its been a whole month. I believe you shouldn't hold on to the fantasy." she said seriously.

"I said I'm over it. It did hurt at first but it was just cool to experience it for a while" I said. As I retrace my thoughts of that day.

"Good now lets get ready because, we about to go find you a Puerto Rican version of him" she said while pulling me off the bed.

"Okay" I laughed. I wanted to say to tweet something.

"A girl can dream. I dreamt it and love it lets call it the end to a beautiful nightmare."



"Thank yall for showing me mad love tonight Miami" I said before saying "Jetsetters... We UP!"

"Good show man" Perry said before handing me a water bottle.

"Thanks man it felt great." I then look at my phone it said I had one voice mail and 2 new text messages. I listen to the voice mail first.

"Hey Danny" a familiar voice rang through my phone.

"I was just calling to tell you that I miss you so much please baby forgive me. I didn't mean it I swear. Just give me another chance! Don't forget I love you and no one else.

Just give me another chance. Don't forget I love you and no one else" Just hearing those words come out her mouth blew my top. She don't know what love is.

"Its about that time" Perry said pointing to his watch.

"Okay let me get my stuff" I started packing up my stuff I then I took a moment to look at the text msgs. 

"Miami I'm ready for you to show me a good time *In my Drake voice*"


"A girl can dream. I dreamt it and love it lets call it the end to a beautiful nightmare."

I smiled putting the last items in my bag then I walked out the arena on my way back to the hotel.

What happen between Lily and Diggy? :( So diggy get Lily tweets to his phone. & more importantly who called Dig phone? 

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