Chapter 25

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2 1/2 Months Later

It's late October and I just came out of my last class for the day. NYU, community college or not I was still determine to be that elementary school teacher. I had to reapply for NYU to come back next spring. They gladly accepted me again. I have gained weight & my hair is back to my orginial fulliness. I had engery I felt young again.

"I illumate, I shine nothing happened before its time" my phone was ringing.

"Hello" I answered.

"Hey Lily!!"

"Hey Jordan" I replied.

"& Kim" she spoke up.

"& Kimmy! How yall doing?" I was walked towards my all black Mercedes Benz.

"GREAT!" they said at the same time.

"What is this frosted flakes commercial? Get yall tony the tigers, head ass." I joked. They didn't laugh but I did.

"Imma let that one slide" Kim said. "More importantly, how are you feeing?"

"Gurrl I have been fantastic" I smiled to myself as I throw my bags in the back seat.

"I'm glad to hear that" Jordan said in her chruch voice. "Goddd is gooood"

I simply laughed "How yall been treating my brothers?"

"GREAT!" they said in unison, again.

We all started to laugh as they caught me up top speed. They all moved into a place in Queens.

"I miss you guys, I can't wait to come back."

"We miss you to Lil" Jordan said.

"Well huns, we can catch up later I gotta go" I said while starting up my car.

"Ok sweetie, be safe" Kim said.

"I will call you guys later bye." I said as we hung up. I was making my way home.

I pulled up 25 mins later and opened the front door to my house.

"Hey Everyone" I said as I looked, startled that everyone was here.

"SURSPRISE!!!!" They all shouted.

"Surprise? It's not my birthday!" I said raising an eyebrow.

"We know sweetie but we didn't do anything for your actually birthday do we decided to do it today." My mom explained.

"Aww" I said before I hugged her

"Honey, we are so proud of you!" My dad began. "Through all these obstacles in your way you still held your head high." he started to break down and water filled my eyes.

"Daddy!" I said as rushed to give him a hug. He kissed the top of my head and said

"I love you baby girl" as I embraced his hug I felt my mother come in for a hug.

"Well it's my party. Right! LETS PARTY!" I said while. We dance and eat some delicious food that my dad made.


"Where is diggy?" I asked cousin Veronica.

"He said he running late he had to go get you a gift" she replied.

"But he got my car as my present." I said biting into my chicken.

"Lily!" I heard someone scream my name.

"Yes!" I ran in the kitchen to see Krystal holding a bunch of balloons with Khalil standing on the side of her.

"Hey you guys!" I said excitedly as I hugged them.

"Hey. Lil how have you been?" Khalil ask.

"Great! Never better" I said smiling.

"Weeellll allrrriiggghhttt" he answered back.

"Sorry but only Dig can do that" Krystal said while laughing.


"Its been minute how are you doing?" Krystal asked me once we step away from the house to the front porch on the patio swing. I had on some a black uggs, red skinnys , a black & red plaid shirt that tired up in the front. It was kinda chilly so I had a black leather jacket of diggys.

"I'm feeling good feeling rather I'm feeling good! School is alright but, I can't wait to go back to NY with Daniel." I smiled. "Our relationship is something written out of a fairytale" I said guinely.

"I'm your biggest fan." Diggy's voice said. as I continue to smile and nod my head.

"So guess what?"

"What?" I said concentrating on her again.

"Promise, you won't freak out?" She said.

"Promise" I reassured her with a smile. Then we did our handshake to let it each other know it's real.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked getting impatient.

"Now remember you promise not to freak out" she reiterated again.

"I said I won't"

"Well Khalil and I are....."

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