Doctor Gossip

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(Third person)


The other line picks up.

"💧︎✌︎☠︎💧︎📪︎ ☟︎⚐︎🕈︎ ☟︎✌︎💧︎ ✡︎⚐︎🕆︎☼︎ 👎︎✌︎✡︎ 👌︎☜︎☜︎☠︎✍︎"

Frisk double takes at the sound of Gaster's voice, cleaning her ear out incase she misheard the skeleton, or, whoever she thought was on the other end.

"I'm sorry, but is this Gaster???" she asked sheepishly, wondering if she called a wrong number.

"Frisk? Is that you small one?"

"Gaster? Yeah, this is Frisk."
"Ah! Forgive me child, I thought you were Sans... As a matter of fact, why do you have his phone?"

"Well...that's sorta why I called...Sans and I were having a day out, right?"

"Go on." Gaster uses his magic to hold up his phone, going through different files with his now free hands. He was interested in what happened. Frisk walks about the skeleton home, looking around the walls and getting used to her new surroundings.

"Well, Sans and I decided to go to Grilbeys for a bit. And now he's totally buzzed. I am just glad I didn't have to drag him here."

"Here?" The skeleton had a sound of confusion in his restatement, now distracted by the human on the other line.

"Mhm. Like I said, Sans is pretty drunk, I couldn't just let him terrorize Snowdin. That, or go back to Grilbey's and drink his place dry."

"Hmph." Gaster agrees. "Where are you now? Is he with you?"

Frisk turns and see's Sans snoring on the floor, she sighs. "I'M in the living room, HE'S asleep at the front door."

"Asleep at the front door? How did he manage that?"

"As soon as we stepped inside, I shut the door and he fell over face first to the floor."
"So he is down for the count then?" Doctor Gaster chuckles and shuffles through more files "That's good. He should get some exceptional rest for a change as long as you don't disturb him..."

Frisk nods "Alright! Where is his room by the way?"

(((Feel free to play the video up top! All rights go to Toby Fox and the youtber(s) who created this cover! )))

Gaster is taken aback for a second "Pardon?"

"Where is Sans' room? That way I can get him upstairs and put him to bed."

Gaster sets down a few papers, eyes fixed on the ciphered fonts before him. "Oh, I see. I would rather you not go to such lengths of hospitality, Small one."

"Huh? Why not?"

"Well, I am sure you have noticed this by now, but Sans can be a bit...*ahem* unpredictable when he's this intoxicated. Not the normal Sans you know, that's for sure."

Frisk did a facepalm and groaned thinking back to the fast one he tried on her. "Yeah. Yeah I found that out for myself."

This catches the doctor's interest, causing him to nearly drop his files. He decides to tease her a bit while he can.

"Oh? Might you explain how exactly? Tell me all the details, If you do not mind."

Frisk can sense him toying with her on the spot, but is unphased. Even if she blushes madly at the thought of what Sans did. She snaps at him, crossing her arms and holding the cell phone to her ear with her shoulder.

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