13. Preparations

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Guys this chapter is going to be Long.........:) and awsome Enjoy Comment and Fan :)


Renesmee's POV

Jacob left my room.I layed on my bed so many thoughts,there was no way I could sleep.Why Jacob went to sleep so early?Did something happen at La Push?I was worried for him.I took the Mobile,Daddy had given me for my safety as a Birthday gift....which I used rarely.I saw the date on the phone....i remembered tomorrow was my birthday...2years less,now I was just 2 years away from my Jacob..I mean we would be the same age in 2 years I will be 16 officially not just physically or mentally "Yay"I said.I was so happy and excited I went to Jake's room to tell him."Jake can I come in?"I asked,knowing he would be still awake because I could not hear any snoring."Yeah Nessie."He said.I opened the door.He was sitting on his bed,I sat besides him."What happened Ness?"He asked.

"Nothing.....Tomorrow is My birthday so now Im only 2 years away from your age."I said.

"Thats awsome...but seriously age dosen't matter to me."He said and kissed my cheek.I smiled.

"Okay...Now go to sleep."He said.

"Why??Please I wanna be with you for a little more time atleast till 12am so...we can do something."I said.

"No...Go to sleep."He said.

"Please."I pleaded.

"Okay..."He said.I smiled.

"What are you planning for your birthday?"He asked.

"Nothing..Im not really excited for my birthday,Im happy because I will be 14 officially so I will be only 2 years away from you."

"I know..but I already told you that dosen't matter."He said.

"No it does."I argued.

"I smell Bella.Nessie go to your room or Bella will kill me please."He requested.

"Okay bye good night."I said and i got up and went towards the door.

"Good night beautiful."He siad.I smiled......I couldn't smell Mom,but anyways Im half human so i wouldnt be able to smell people so good.I was tired,so as I drifted to sleep.

Jacob's POV__

I was so pissed off I had to lie to Nessie.Bella was in her and Edward's Medow....it was a part of plan to keep Bella away,and Rensmee sleeping,when we organise suprise party.I was waiting in my room so Nessie would go to sleep and we would start the preparations.I sat there and Wondering why did age matter so much to Ness,Bella also freaked out when I told her I wasn't aging.Must be some girly reason,but it din't matter to me.I waited for 15 minutes then I went downstairs because Nessie was sleeping now.I went downstairs everything was already set,maybe Alice might have,there were baloons,2 cakes,and a little bit of birthday decoration,a little food too because Seth,Embry,Emily,Leah,Rachel and Kim were coming for the party.The others were still on La Push for protection and not breaking the treaty.Alice came in and said,"Well I have decorated the house,when is everyone coming?"The same time,Jasper,Emmet,Blondie,Esme and Carlilse entered the room."So Jacob when are your friends coming?"She asked.

"Its midnight so they might be patrolling or sleeping but I called them at 6:30 in the morning."I said.

"Okay,Edward will bring Bella at 6:45 and we will also wake Nessie at 6:45.Perfect."She said.

"Ohh you can go to sleep..I will wake you up at 6 in the morning."She said.

"Okay."i said and went to my room and slept in some minutes.

Edward's POV_____

 I had to keep Bella away from the big house till Alice would do all the decorations.Easy.We had gone for hunting.We hunted some Elk and went to our cottage.I could hear everyone's thoughts at the big house...Alice was thinking'3 more hours then the party will start,the decorations are perfect now I have to get everyone dressed.'my little sister,who was always worried about our family's fashion.I had to thank her for the party.Bella was quiet."What are you thinking?"I asked.She let her sheild off.She was thinking of Renesmee and Jacob.

"Why are you so worried about them?"I asked.

"Well tommorow morning Nessie will be just 2 years away from 16,Im worried about her,and then even about her and Jake.Ugh."She said.

"Dont worry,Renesmee's thoughts and Jacob's are mature now.Ever since Jacob imprinted.....he has got more careful about things."I confessed.

"I know.....but our daughter."She said looking into my eyes.

"I know I get frustrated too sometimes,but when I hear Jacob's thoughts,they are so strong for Nessie,like he can protect her and take care of her,love her better than anyone.and she too loves him.alot."I said.Bella sighed.

"So what are you getting Nessie for her birthday?"I asked.

"Well once Alice dragged me to shopping with her some weeks ago,I found a beautiful Necklace,wait i'll show you."She said and got up and opened a drawer and showed me,it was silver and it had a heart pendant,it was beautiful."How is it ,will she like it?"she asked nervously.

"Its perfect,she will love it."I said.Bella smiled happily.

"What did you get her?" She asked.

"I got her a guitar."I said.

"Ohh wow where have you kept it ?"She asked.I took her her to the basement.I showed her the black guitar."Edward its awsome."She said.

"Thanks.I hope she likes it."I said.Then the other hour just passed swiftly."Bella can you wear this for me?"I asked her and handed her the dress Alice told me to give her.

"Why?"She asked.

"Alice told me that you had to wear this today.I dont know why."I lied.

"Ugh..she is Insane...."She said.She changed her clothes and we went towards the Big house it was 6:45 in the morning,Alice told me to bring Bella at 6:45,a little early,so she could suprise Nessie and the Pack wouldn't be here on her suprise and she would like less people suprising her on birthday.I was afraid that she would be pissed off,because we were celebrating her birthday,she might hate it.

Bella's POV__________

I and Edward reached the big house..as I entered the Living room.....Alice,Emmett,Jacob,Rosalie and Jasper,even Edward screamed"SUPRISE".

What?Not again.Alice came forward and hugged me"Happy birthday Bella." Jake also came and hugged me"Happy birthday Bells."He said and grinned.Edward kissed my cheek and said "Sorry Bella,but this was Jacob and Alice's Idea,we will suprise Nessie too later and Happy birthday."He said.I shook my head."Hey the Pack is comming...this is gonna be fun."Emmett said and Rosaile made a face.Jasper was silent trying to figure out everybody's feelings.The pack also came not everyone just Seth,Embry,Kim,Rachel,Emily and Leah.WOW vampires and werewolves under a roof...amazing."I'll go wake up Nessie."I said."Hey I have kept her outfit on the table make sure she wears it."Alice odered.I nodded.I went inside her room."Nessie wake up."I said swiftly.She din't wake up "Come on Nessie."I said,She finally woke up."Mom,today there is no school Let me sleep."She said.

"No,come on Nessie wake up."I said.

"Ugh,mom whats the noise coming from down."She asked.

"We have some guests at home thats why you have to come down to meet them."I lied.

"Okay."She said.

"Your clothes are on the table,take a shower and come down okay honey."I said.

"Okay."She replied.I went downstairs.


 Next chapter will be fun.Hope u liked this chapter.Comment Fan Vote. ~Teamcullen14

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