23.Happy Ending :Epilogue

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(The next day)

Bella's POV

My full family and I were sitting in my living room except Nessie.Carlilse was talking on phone woth Elezar,apologizing about killing Tanya.

"Elezar fogives us."Carlilse said as he cut the phone.

"Ughh I missed the fight."Emmett said.

"Me too."Jasper said.Alice chuckled.

"It was a clear win."Alice said sighing.

"I'll go and check if she's alright.I'll ask her Bella."Jacob said as he rushed upstairs.Jacob had asked me and Edward yesterday if he could marry Nessie.After so much that happened,we finally allowed him.He was so happy,Im happy for my best friend.

"Poor Nessie,how could they drug my grandaughter,"Esme sighed.

"Yes Esme,How could Tanya do something like that?"Rosalie asked shaking her head.

"I'll go and check if she's alright.I'll ask her Bella."Jacob said as he rushed upstairs.

"She had probably gone insane."Edward said.Alice nodded

"No Mike and no Tanya.We have forever now."Edward said smiling.He kissed my cheek softly.

"Forever."I agreed.

Nessie's POV

How cold Dean,mom's friend and Aunt Tanya do something like yhat to my Mom and me? They drugged me? How disgusting?I was in my bed Jake and my family said I needed rest.I was bored.I herd a knock.

"Come in."I said.As I said the door flung open and Jake came in.

"How are you feeling?"He asked me heitantly.

"Im feeling better."I said smiling.He nodded.He came and wrapped his arms aroung me and I rested my chin on his shoulders.

"I was worried about you."He wispered.

"When Edward called me,I was so freaked out."He said.

"Im sorry."I apologized.

"No,its my mistake,I should have never allowed you to go for the stupid movie but I finally got a chnce to rip Dean's head off."He said.I chuckled.

"No seriously,my wolf is proud of me."He said chuckling.I smiled.He got up from my bed and stood in front of me suddenly he took something out of his pocket and stood with his one knee on the ground.

"Renesmee Cullen I love you,you are the most important thing to me in my life."He said taking my full name and taking out a ring and placing it in front of me.

"Will you marry me ?"He asked smiling.

"Its a special imprint ring."He added nervously.I remained silent.I couldn't hide my blushes though.I loved him too much,of course I would say yes,but the moment was so good that I wanted to enjoy it.

"Yes."I finally wispered.Blushes arose on my cheek.

"Yes?"He asked smiling like he was the most happiest person in the world.

"Yes I will marry you."I said smiling.He did not waste a moment and just hugged me tightly and he started kissing me softly.I kissed him back .We stopped after some minutes.

"You asked my parents ?"I asked.

"Yes,yesterday when you were sleeping."He said giving me a quick kiss on my cheek.

"They allowed.Wow."I said suprised.He nodded and chuckled.He took my hand slipped the ring on my finger kissing it lightly.

"Now you are mine forever Mrs.Black "He said.I smiled,I was finally his.


So guys this was the end of Rising Moon.If anybody is intrested I write one more werefolf story :D I enjoyed writing Rising Moon so much but it might be impossible without you all's support.The twilight movies will get over in november.My book got over today.I will miss it so much,its difficult for me to say goodbuys.This is my last Authors Note :( Thanks for Reading,Voting and Commenting.Love you always.I will miss you all.


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