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"I have dinner plans with my parents," Shawn answers softly. The tenderness beneath his voice is combating with the apologetic look on his face. He fidgets with the edge of the sleeve on his shirt. But, he has nothing to be sorry for. 

"It is perfectly okay, Shawn I understand how much your family means to you," I remark before he touches the side of my cheek. Rubbing it to create a warmth that will redden my cheeks. "We will arrange for another time."

"You promise?" Shawn questions full of hope. I nod my head before Shawn pulls me into his arms and smoothers me with kisses on my face. He releases me, and then the urge to kill is extremely high. 

I watch Shawn leave the conference room until I can no longer see his shadow. I think I will skip work today. Nothing worthy to stick around for anyways. And if the boss does not like it then the bitch can blow me. 

The police are obviously sensing a pattern. So I am going to have to turn them off my trail. Switch it up a bit. But, twinks have always a great kill of mines. I could try to use different wigs, and styles of clothes. 

And this is broad daylight. Usually, I do my deeds at night. So the pickings might be slim for today. I leave work to head the nearest costume place, where I pick out an orange wig, and some big glass and some seventies style clothes. I add a cross just for kicks. 

I try a different bar, one that is not far from my uptown apartment. Whenever I enter, the music his baring some jazz music, and a few men are here. Not any twinks that I can see so far. So like a lion I must be patient to wait for my prey to come to me before I pounce.

The bartender is a middle-aged guy with long black hair and green eyes. He is wearing a tight neon yellow shirt, that I can see his hardened nipples and jeans. He smiles at me as he basically fucks me with his eyes.

Never going to happen.

Besides he is not my type. 

"What will it be sweetie?" He questions in a flirty tone.

"Red wine," I state as my eyes do not peel away from the door. So the bartender pours me some wine into a glass and hands it to me. I slowly sip it and moments later. A twink walks in, and I can tell he is nervous.

His parents probably do not know he is gay. Probably goes to the university, and picked this town for a gay scene. He will do, and I smile at him. The guy slides into the barstool next to me.

"Order whatever you want," I state to him. "Hi, how are you?"

"I should not be here," he states in a low tone.

"Would you like to go somewhere? Where we could be alone?"

"That would be nice," He nods his head, and I finish off my wine. I pay the bartender and tell him to keep the change as a tip. The young twink and I leave together then share a cab. We kiss and feel each other in the backseat. I pull my lips away once we reach my other apartment and we get out. 

I lead him up the stairs and inside the place. I pour us some water, and we drink. I am trying to take the edge off. We end up having sex on my couch, protected of course, and I put the condoms in a trash bag.

"You feel good?" I question curiously as I come back to my old beat up clothes with a clear apron on. 

"Yes, Could we do this again sometimes?" He pleads. "You was really nice and not rough like the others.

He so desperate I almost feel bad for him. However, it does not change anything. Because remorse is not something I deal with. In the kitchen, opening a drawer, and get out a butcher's knife. 

I come behind the couch and whisper in his ear.

"Is that your last request?"


That is the last thing he said before I slashed his throat. Collecting some of the blood in the wine glass before pouring some wine in it. I drink the blood wine mixture. The twink has a glaze over his eyes once death has come for him.

Then I start up a fire in my fireplace and start to dismember his body piece by piece. The smell of blood intoxicating me bring me to a point. The fire is warm now, as for throw each piece of the body. Once it has all been turned to ash, I put the condoms in there, along with my clothes, the wig, and apron.

After the fire dies down I clean my apartment. It takes several hours to get the blood from the carpet, couch, and floors. But it is worth it. If they are truly on to me I have to be extremely careful now. 

The sun is going down, so I get clothes, take a shower getting off any drop of blood, after that, I head back home to my other apartment. It is over fancy with three bedrooms, two baths, a large kitchen, and a study. A study filled with books about serial killers, body anatomy, and psychology. Oh and astrology, and some erotic books. 

My phone keeps going off with missed calls from my mom. 

But, I still ignore the one that is coming in.

I am riding the high that I am on right now. And my mom would completely be a buzzkill to my mood. I will not allow that to happen. 

Angel On Fire † Dark Charlie Puth FF ‡Where stories live. Discover now