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Winter has always been my favorite time of year. The cold crisp air, how everything is frozen everything seems so bitter and dead. Yet somehow alive. There is a lively concept. My long leather jacket almost smothers me, and leather gloves keep my hands right warm.

Warm is something that I would never associate with me. Because it would describe it as lively and full of fire. Shawn has kept his distance lately at work. He used to be a sparkle but now he is just dull. Something in him has changed. But, every time I try to talk to him he just dismisses me. 

My boots make imprints in the snow, footsteps that will soon be erased by others. I am making myself to this new sex club that I heard about on meet up. An app that connects with random strangers trying to meet at various locations around a city. Of course, I RVSP for a meetup, because any new eye candy will perk my interest.

The club was not far from my apartment only a couple of blocks. I used to jog five blocks before I gave that up to go to the gym. And now even the gym seems to be a second rate idea. The club is lively and full of people.

In other words, it is full of potentials. I see a sleuth of couples looking for that one single they could hook up with. It is not cheating if a mutual agreement is made so they can indulge their fantasy. 

I did a threesome a couple of times back in college. One at the begging of one oversexed boyfriend that could never keep his dick in his pants. The other was because I was trying to bring excitement to an otherwise boring relationship. 

The lights are technicolor in here, and the bar is crammed. It would probably be risky to off a couple. So I will have to be selective in my planning. I go to the bar to order a glass of red wine and wave to some of the people I recognized from the meetup photo. Hopefully, they will not remember me after tonight.

A couple of hours later most of the club has died down. There are still some people here. Then I spot him, a tall, muscular man with bright blonde hair and green eyes. His shirt is popped open a little to reveal a hairless chest. 

We lock eyes, and he makes his way over to me. He orders a drink, sliding next to me, and then putting his arm around my left shoulder. His ear goes to mines, and instantly I am turned on. We drink our drinks agreeing to head back to my apartment.

Not my real one of course. Once we hail a taxi and get back to my place. I put on some music, dimming the lights, and pour the more red wine. I do not bother to take off my leather jacket and gloves. The guy is getting more and more drunk with each glass of wine.

Until whenever he tried to get up, almost falling into my coffee table, and I laugh. I just love other people's tragedies. This one is not going to take long because he will never know what hit him. I go to my closet, getting a shovel, and a tarp.

The guy returns from the bathroom, while my carpet is draped in the tarp, and I come up behind him bashing him with the shovel. Damn, the thrill that I get from this. It is almost better than sex, and the high is equally amazing. 

After I make sure that he is dead by checking a pulse. Which is nonexistent. I get my saw out again, and then start up the fire. Once the body is gone piece by piece, kick off my boots, and drink the rest of the wine.

The next morning my phone rings, and it is Shawn.

"Charlie, I am getting married," Is all he states.  

Angel On Fire † Dark Charlie Puth FF ‡Where stories live. Discover now