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I skip the funeral. There is no way in hell that I am going to attend that shit. It is over a week since I have seen Shawn. This is shitty that I am counting the days since I last saw him. 

I have killed three people since them. My mom keeps calling me but I send them to voicemail. New York City is supposed to be getting hitting by another blizzard. I am drinking red wine and watching Scandal whenever I hear a knock at my door. 

Shawn busts inside my apartment, emotional and is crying. I pull him into my arms holding him. "What is wrong?" I ask him softly.

"I need you in my life to protect me, Charlie. I know you are fifty ways of fucked up and you cannot love. But, please?"

"Please what? Can you be more specific? And ps your reindeer sweater is stupid," I respond trying to make the atmosphere less claustrophobic. I have no idea if this is all raw emotion from Shawn burying his dead boyfriend or something darker. 

"I lost my boyfriend and then I feel like I am losing you too Charlie. You are pulling away like you did in college," He whispers then adds, "plus there a twink killer on the loose and I could be his next victim." 

"Okay, I mean I not a needy guy and I need my space. And besides, I could not attend your boyfriend's funeral because I did not know him," I lie. Well, most of it is lies the first part is fact.

"Could I move in here?" Shawn questions. 

Angel On Fire † Dark Charlie Puth FF ‡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat