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Shawn is too pure for me. The way that he glances over at me with those innocent brown eyes and the neediness that he has. I hate needy people but apparently, I am growing immune to it. Shawn is making me want to change a lot about myself.

But the urge to kill is so strong. 

It is inescapable. Like right now I need to find some random twink and be done with it. Shawn's arms wrap around my waist as he kisses my stomach. His other hand traces along my abs. He is so loving. 

For all the love and goodness that Shawn has inside of him. In me, goodness and love have been replacing with hate and darkness. If I do not give into this urge I would have to hurt Shawn and all those previous desires to kill him are coming back.

However, I cannot give in. I get out of the bed, putting my clothes back on, and Shawn follows me around like a stray dog. Trying to use his arms to get me closer but it does not work.

"Shawn not now, you need to make funeral arrangements for your boyfriend. And I have to get some things done," I remind him.

"Oh yeah," He replies sadly then starts crying. I hold him until he is all cried out and then just leave. It is snowing outside, as I head inside the costume shop to purchase a business suit and black curly wig. Once I buy those things I change inside the bathroom.

I go to a different club it is ghetto and dingy. The lighting is poor in here, and the music sucks. But, it is what it is. I spot a loner ginger so that is my target now. I smile as sit beside him, letting my hand gently rub against his thighs. He makes a moan a bit, and I order some red wine.

"Hey, you want to go back to my place to release some tension?" I ask seductively. Being bold as fuck as my hand moves over to the middle of his pants. He smiles widely nodding his head. 

"Yes, that would be nice," He replies in a deep tone his blue eyes light up. Well, this is going to be an easy kill. I think to myself but trying not to get excited over it. I signal for the bartender to come over so I pay for the tab.

We take the subway back to my apartment. I turn my television on to hear a warning about a blizzard. Oh well, there is always a fucking snowstorm in New York City in the wintertime. I have no idea what is so fucking surprising. 

Whatshisname did not get it, is settling in on my couch as I bring over some red wine. This time I laced his with poison. I want to watch him suffer as he dies right in front of me. I am such a cold-hearted bastard.

I feed some wood to my fireplace, and whatshisname has turned on my Netflix. I just wait until the poison takes effect. Basically, it can take several hours or up to a day to watch this bastard bleed out in front of me. It is okay, I got all the time in the world and plenty of wood to feed the fire. 

It takes a day for the poison to kill him, and he gasps for his life but I laugh. I roll him to one side as put the tarp on my carpet, and then roll him on top of it so he can bleed out on that and not stain my carpet. 

The apron goes over my clothes, and once I know he is dead after I take a pulse. I take my saw and being to dismember him. There is something lustful about the blood getting on my face then arms. The urge to bathe in it is strong but I hold off on it. 

I take his body parts one by one to feed the fire, the tarp is next, then my clothes with apron, and it takes about three hours for everything to get dwindled down to dust. The bathroom is calling my name as I take a shower, put on an oversize college sweatshirt, and some baggy jeans with snow shoes. 

After a couple of hours of cleaning my apartment. I head back to Shawn where is he talking to his family about the bastard dead boyfriend. I have to try not to pretend this is not comedy. 

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