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Shawn does not return back until after two days. Whenever he does he has a twink linked on his arms. Shawn has a devious smile planted on his face as he greets me. 

"Charlie," He whispers into my ear, "fuck then kill him right in front of me. I want to see you in the zone. I desire to see you kill."

The twink thinks he is going to get a threesome tonight. Oh, he will get the show of his life alright. I just hope he realizes he is never going to see the night of day again.

"Why are you doing this?" I question curiously. 

"You said once you set the angel on fire inside of you. Then you release the devil in you. I want to see the devil Charlie. I need to experience that is like to see an angel experience a fiery death."

Angel On Fire † Dark Charlie Puth FF ‡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat