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"But I do not want to be with anyone else but you Shawn," I remark as I am stunned by all of this. My mind is heavy with a lot of questions. Where did he go for two days? Why does he need to see this side of me? Once I get into my headspace it is hard for me to get out of it.

"It is a good cause baby, don't worry I am not jealous," Shawn replies with a devious smile. It makes me so uneasy he is okay with all of this. 

Unless Shawn is a dark soul like I am.

Is it possible two dark souls can unite? 

All this time he was living a double facade like me? I am spinning and dizzy from all this new information. I clutch the counter edge as Shawn pours me some red wine, and gives it to me. 

Wow within a few moments it has hit me fast. Shawn also gives some to the overzealous twink. Shawn begins to put the moves on him, his hands all over his body, and lips to his mouth. He is getting so giddy as he glances back at me and this feels awkward. 

My head is not in a right place. Did Shawn lace the wine? It is possible because then the next time I know Shawn and I are having a threeway with this twink. I am in my zone, and once we both are done with him.

Shawn hands me a saw, and then I go to work. The angel is being set on fire and now the devil in me in being released. Shawn must sense it as blood is going everywhere, and then the next thing I recall is Shawn grabbing the saw.

He is cutting into me. 

The blood is going everywhere. 

I do not understand.

Then my whole world goes black. 

Angel On Fire † Dark Charlie Puth FF ‡Where stories live. Discover now