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A couple of months later I marry Shawn. We go on a honeymoon in Spain. I never seem him so happy and carefree. During the nights whenever I am sure that Shawn is asleep I go to local bars trolling twinks then killing them in back alleys. I dismember and torch them once I am done.

Shawn is never to know this side of me. I will do everything I can to keep it secret. The urge to kill raises more and more each time we are together. I always back in the mornings kissing and fucking Shawn. 

"Hmm, Charlie," He replies then nibs on my earlobe. "It feels so good to finally be yours."

"Don't you know it," I state then get to bed. It is past ten a.m, as I drink my red wine. The latest killing is fresh in my mind. Now that I am married I no longer fuck before I kill. I just straight murder. 

Shawn turns on the television and the news is talking about the Twink Killer again. Shawn's brown eyes widen as they are giving more details to the story. I do not think they will ever catch me. I am being extremely careful now, and anyways all the evidence they would have would be circumstantial. 

"How is it that sick bastard is in Spain Charlie? Is he following me here?" Shawn questions in a fearful tone. 

"He is not following you baby, and let us not worry about that nonsense," I state then turn off the television set. 

"Where did you go last night? I woke up after ten and you were not here?"

"I was hungry so I went to get some food you were asleep whenever I came back."

"You are doing this again. Disappearing after we make love, Charlie please stop doing that with this psycho on the loose. I need to know that my man will be here to protect me against him."

Angel On Fire † Dark Charlie Puth FF ‡Where stories live. Discover now