Capture the Flag: Part Two

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Cal relaxed. "What do you need our flag for? We're on the same team." Ruby shook her head. "Trying to impress. That's all."

Christa sat by Cal. "Dude, that was flippin' rad." She smiled. "You're like the hero over here. Like dang!" "Are you okay?" Ruby asked. "Oh no, your arm."

He looked over his arm. They were filled with scratches and bruises and some scars from past experiences with bullies. "Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." He said, looking down at his hands. "How'd you do that so easily?" Ruby questioned. "I took gymnastics with my sister, Nectra."

"Know what, I'm keeping this safe." Christa smiled, getting an idea. "Why, what are you-- oh my God." Ruby buried her face in her hands. Christa stuffed the small handkerchief of a flag down her shirt and into her bra. "No one dares to go there."  

"I beg to differ, sis." A boy said. He had regular glasses on, no heterochromia, he wasn't blind, nothing. Though, he had gloves on. He was tall and had light, brown hair. He wore a Nirvana t-shirt and jeans with black sneakers. "Don't you dare, Jayjay." Christa growled.

'Jayjay' stuck out his tongue. "I won't. I'll tickle it out of you. You'll surrender." He said. She took it out of her shirt and handed it to Cal. "He's got it. And this kid got some skills, like hardcore skills."

Cal wiped his palms on his jeans, the flag stuck in his hoodie's pocket. 'Jayjay' crossed his arms, leaning on the tree. "You're not... serious are you?"

"Oh, no. I am DEAD serious, bro." Christa smiled mischievously. "You are kidding me." 'Jayjay' smirked. "This is gonna be easy as hell. Come here, kid!"

Cal ducked as Jayjay tried to tackle him. Cal groaned and flipped over, grabbing onto a different branch. "Crap crap crap crap." He was muttering as he jumped onto another branch. Jayjay grabbed onto one of the branches and swung himself over to another branch, gaining up on the younger boy.

"This isn't fair." Cal murmured, climbing up. "The guy has gloves." He stopped when he came to a sturdier branch and took a breath. What was he supposed to do? Keep going until the taller kid gets him?

He shimmied himself up another branch, groaning in the process. Jayjay jumped up to his branch, "Come on. Just give it up already!" Cal jumped up, grabbing onto another branch while swinging his legs and flying over to a different tree.

Oh God oh God oh God, He thought over and over. Cal managed to grab onto one of the tree's branches, climbing up again. Whatever happened to letting the underdog win?

The red-headed boy turned around, not seeing Christa's brother and bumped his hand hard onto the tree trunk. Ow! That hurt... Wait... He knocked on the trunk, a clanging metallic sound radiating from it.

Cal hesitated, but opened the panel and crawled inside. He panted and leaned back, taking a breather. Cal sat up and his head hit a button. "Oh come on." He growled as the panel under him gave out and he started falling down. He tried grabbing onto something and found a vine.

A door opened and it led to the outside of the tree. A clanging noise radiated from the branch he's on. Out popped a black flag. He grabbed it and stuffed it in his pocket. Cal took a break by hanging upside down on a branch for a minute until he found Jasper on a different branch.

"Yo, Romeo!" Jasper waved. Cal nodded at him as Jasper hopped over. "Where've you been, man?" Cal pushed up the sleeves of his sweater. "Oh, well, you know. Just, uh, hanging."

"Guess what I've got~" Jasper sang as he took out two flags, one purple and the other yellow. "How'd you get those?" Cal asked, smiling up at him.

Jasper looked at Cal's zipped up pockets, "I should ask you the same." "What?" Cal unzipped his pockets and took out the two flags. The boys chuckled.

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