It's Time To Sleep: Final Chapter

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Ruby shot an arrow upwards when she saw the staircase.  She took a glimpse at Jayden, who was carrying the unconscious Cal. "Oh no..." She was going out to help them until she spotted three guards coming out back.

Ruby took out three metallic arrows Timmy had made and aimed. Her hands started shaking. Could she really take a life? Even by accident? She glanced back and saw two guards going towards the gate. She aimed at the three guards again and it hit them in the groin, side, and shoulder.

Good, she thought. I just prevented a guy from having children. Ruby retracted her bow and started running. She ducked behind a cabin, seeing the two guards. Red flashed before her eyes. Two gunshots. She didn't know if it was her blood rushing to her head, or the anger and grief boiling inside.

She let out a battle cry, which sounded pretty weird, "FOR VEGAS!" Ruby shot both of them before they could even process what she had just yelled. Rose was standing in front of Angel, protectively. Yet, she was bawling. Her legs were shaking. Angel had just processed what had happened.

Mary and Luke were shot from behind. Ruby knelt down to Luke. "Hey. Hey!" She checked his breathing, then his pulse. She did the same with Mary. Then she slumped down, grabbing their bags. "W-we need to get moving..."

She wiped her eyes. Ruby kept her head high and led them out of the gates. It was mostly trees and tall grass. They waited for them once they were a two mile radius away, just like the plan was supposed to go out. They were by the highway, close to an airport as Lilith had said before. It was just twenty miles, much to their dismay.

Marazine led the way to their meeting point. "Ruby!" She called. Ruby looked up, drawing back a metal arrow, then lowered it. She dropped her weapon on the floor and threw her arms around the girl.

"Ruby, what the..." Marazine started. Ruby sobbed, her arms were trembling. Marazing hugged back. Timmy carefully fished Marazine's phone out of her butt pocket and earned a threatening glare from both Jasper and Marazine.

He was grossed out at how it was covered in sweat, but he cleaned it off and turned it on. They started walking while he tried getting a hold of his dad.

"We have to get Cal some medical help or something. He's loosing blood." Lilith murmured. Timmy finally reached through. He hadn't realized how raspy and shaky his breath was until his spoke.

"Dad?" He coughed. "Timothy?" His father replied. Timmy had never had been so happy to hear his father's voice, he could have cried right then and there. "Dad, um, c-can you pick me and my friends up? I'll explain later." His voice got even more desperate by the second.

"Timothy, what's going on? What's wrong? Are you okay?" His father seemed so concerned, he might have cried. "No, I'm not. That's why you have to pick us up."

"Okay, son. Where are you?"

"We're heading to Regional Airport, just twenty two miles from Sixth Sense Academy."

"It's an academy?"


"We're on our way. We'll take the jet."

Jasper, Midori, and Timmy grimaced in pain. Timmy almost dropped the phone on the pavement. "What's wrong?" Angel asked, holding onto his arm. Then gasped. "Color. Your memories are in color Timmy!"

Timmy's eyes widened. He could only dream in black and white. This was new for him. Midori winced. Jayden inspected her. "You have something sticking from your shirt." He reached for it and took it out. It was a small sliver of the golden crystal.

Marzie found one in Jasper's arm that was glowing red and black. It made his eye glow a bit. Timmy had a small spilnter of one that glowed grey and black.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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