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It went by fast. I didn't even know what happened. I just know, it did. My life motto had just appeared to me. My hands were trembling. Momoko threw down the sword and helped me up. For the first time in a long while, I felt cold. Considering it was like 80 degrees, I felt like ice.

No one expected Parks to snap. It was just one swordfight. And then he said something about being compatible... Lilith told us to go back to our cabins. Momoko came with us. It was getting dark outside, and the girls went into their rooms. Honestly I think Marazine was having a funeral for her tablet.

I sat on the couch, holding my now broken glasses. "At least you can see right?" Momoko said, sitting next to me. Very, very close to me. Jasped sat at the kitchen table with Timmy, having some sandwhiches Midori made before... everything weird happened. I guess nobody wanted to talk about it, and I couldn't blame them.

"Are you okay?" Momo asked, leaning towards me. I nodded, putting the glasses aside. I didn't understand. I could see now. In day. With the lights on. My burns are gone. I am excelling in physical activities. Honestly,  I wanted to go home. Yet it was still the beginning of camp. It's still June and no one, not even Marazine, could contact our parents.

I looked over at Momoko. "This is some sappy crap, but I'm glad you're here." Momoko smiled. "Thank you, I guess. I'm just glad you are... safe. But you could have died twice today."

"Only twice? Oh good, I thought I had something to worry about." I remarked. "I know. It's crazy that I'm just sitting here after I was attacked and burned like nothing happened. Oh yeah," I called over to Timmy and Jas. "How are you guys?"

Jasper had his mouth full. "Ahm gwud!" He held up his thumb. Timmy agreed and took a swig from his water bottle, "Still alive."

"This sandwhich is amazing." Jasper smiled. Timmy chuckled, "You say that about anything edible." "Not when you're cooking." "Hey! My food is good." "In your dreams."

Momoko and I laughed. She gently held my hand, which probably made my face as bright as my hair. We both looked at each other. Nothing really happened, we just stared.

Momoko was wonderful. She's the sort of best friend you would always look for. I guess she kind of reminded me of Nectra, in some ways. It kinda made me sad that I may never see her again.

"Holy begonias." Jasper groaned. "Romeo, Juliet, if you two are going to make out, don't do it where we can see you." Timmy burst out laughing, tipping backwards. I grabbed the closest thing beside me (which was a camp t-shirt) and threw it at him. It caught onto his head and he fell out of his chair.

I stood up and laughed along with Jasper, whose eyes were starting to tear up. Timmy threw the shirt back to me. "Well I should go back to my cabin. Oyasuminasai," she said and went through the door. "Silly boys."

Timmy smacked me across the face with the t-shirt. "Dude," he said, suddenly serious. "How?"


That seemed to be the question Cal was being asked nowadays. "How what?" Cal asked, snatching and whacking Timmy with the shirt. Timmy did the same. "How do you do all of this crap without failing miserably?"

"Lucky summer?" Cal shrugged and took the shirt. "I don't know, man. Honestly." He threw it at Jasper. "Hey, now, ladies. I don't want to be in this." Jasper threw down the shirt. Timmy scoffed, "Maybe you can ask Stacy. She's the one running this place. Plus, I bet Parks is heading home. To juvey."

"What's a juvey?" Jasper asked, looking up at both of them. Cal put a hand on Jasper's shoulder. "Sometimes I wonder if you are from the same century as us." Jasper swatted Cal's hand away. "Man, your hands are freezing."

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