Someone's A Sore Loser

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The activity guy/chaperone blew his whistle for us to start. Round one. I expected us to just circle around each other, but Parks charged at me like a wild animal. I dodged his charge and roed behind him, then striked the back of his armor. A loud ping! rang through the air.

I glanced down at Lilith, who was standing next to Ruby. I wondered why she was there. Probably wanting to cheer Parks on. And that's when the rest of my cabin mates came. I couldn't focus of them too much, but I caught a glimpse of Momoko.

Parks raised his blade above his head, which gave me an opportunity. I knew watching mom's old DVDs would pay off. Not this much, but hey. It helped right?

I jabbed him hard on the chestplate. Lilith was right about the swords. They aren't strong enough. Another ping and the crowd went wild. Yup, crowd. I didn't know if it was my luck again or if it was Parks' arrogance. Then again, it was only round one. I had one more to go if I wanted to win.

Parks took a chance to jab me, but I parried and hit the hilt of the sword, hooking it with mine, then threw it down. I suddenly had lots of respect for hook swords. Another slash.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

"Round one goes to Cal!" Activity Guy yelled and blew the whistle. More cheering, even from Ruby. Parks stared at me with disbelief, then with rage. "Alright, Flavian. You're dead meat." Ah, memories.

Parks grabbed his heavy sword again as Activity Guy blew his whistle. He did a smart thing and let me attack first, which was a better advantage for me too. I was faster than him and I had a balanced sword. I tried doing the hilt thing again, but failed miserably.

He hit me in the chest with the handle and knocked me backwards, but I was on my feet again. Parks kicked me hard in the knee, which really made me wish I did have the kneepads Lilith offered, but I dove down and rolled over.

He started slashing right and left, using both hands on the handle while I was blocking and dodging. I could see his weak point. Parks was focusing on strength other than speed, so he leaves a spot wide open when he strikes. His movements were going up and down like an arch.

I dodged right as he went his right (does that make sense? ). Being the small kid I am, I ducked under his arm and caught onto the chink of his armor and twisted. It broke. I then got him in the shin, and the shoulder as the breastplate fell off sideways.

Ping! Ping! Ping!

I was expecting another round, but I forgot it was two out of three. So I looked pretty stupid about to dodge an attack. Parks yelled furiously as he ripped off the armor. Lilith came up to me. "That ended a lot quicker than I thought." She said as she helped me get out of the chest plate. I laughed, "And what is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. But at least you avenged your cupcake." Lilith smirked. I froze and blushed. "I didn't tell you about that." "Please, you had revenge all over your face."

I finally had that huge burden called armor off my chest. I hopped down, and for a minute I actually thought i could do anything. Maybe this is more cliché winnings like you would see in the movies, but I couldn't care less. The crowd started to disband, Activity Guy went to go on his break, so it was only my cabin mates, Parks, Lilith, Momoko, and me here.

"How do you do it, Flavian?!" Parks stormed over to me. And that is when my pride crumbled down. He loomed over me. "Why is it you?!" Me? Oh God, help me. I'm still thinking it's precious luck and that life finally gave me a chance of happiness (more sappy talk from good ole Cal).

"First the Heartbeat challenge, then capture the flag, and now the swordsfighting." Parks clenched his fists. "Hold up." Lilith glared up at him, her red eye gleaming with hatred. Oh boy.

"How do you know about the Heartbeat challenge?" She rose a brow and folded her arms. "Heartbeat challenge?" I echoed. Parks and Lilith ignored me.  Momoko tugged on my shirt. "Um, Cal-san..." She whispered. "I have a feeling this Heartbeat challenge is not supoosed to be discussed."

Parks stared Lilith down. "You aren't the only one who knows things, babe. All I know is that he won it. Hell, you lost to him." He smirked. "I bet your mama wasn't so proud of you."

Lilith was mysteriously so calm.  "And yet you got ten to last? How sad." I am so confused.

"So, Parks, how did you know about it? Only staff knows about all of the activities." She backed him up into the arena. Parks stopped. "I hear things, Lilith. And I know what your mom is up to. And I'm sure that the Facility knows about it." Lilith stepped back. "The Facility, huh? So I thought right."

"What?" Everyone, including me, stared at Parks. Jasper stepped forward. "You're with them?"

I have no idea who "them" was, but I had a feeling it had to do with the Facility and where Jasper was from. Lilith turned to us. "Cabin 15, SS R2, please return to your cabin."

It happened all too fast. I thought it was my imagination, but it wasn't. Parks pushed Lilith down and kicked her aside. He pushed Jasper and punched Timmy away. Marazine threw her tablet as a reflex and hit his head. The screen broke and shattered. Midori reached for her belt, but forgot she had her revolvers taken away (Long story). Momoko was about to rush after him. I was too shocked to react, which was incredibly stupid.

Parks grabbed a sword from the shelves and grabbed me by the collar. He shoved me hard against the shelves, knocking the swords down. Purple blotches danced around my eyes. He shoved me again and hit me with the hilt of the sword.

"What do you want?!" I screamed at him. "I didn't do anything to you!" My voice cracked. "You're compatible. Just like her." Parks growled. Compatible? I could see Momoko grabbing the rapier and coming to an attack.

He turned me around, using me as a shield from Momoko. Momoko stopped, the blade an inch from my head. Parks held up the blade to my temple and started to back away. "If this is about you losing..." I started, blinded by light. It took me a while to realize my glasses fell off.

"It's not." He whispered. That's it. "Let me go." "No." "Get your hands off of me!"

He tightened. "Let me GO!" Then it stopped. His grip loosened, the sword clattered down from his hand. I fell down, then squinted. Everyone was frozen in front of me. I felt for my glasses, which was shattered. Then looked up. I could see. And I saw something unimaginable.

Ice and stone was merged together, encasing Parks from feet to neck. His arms were sticking out, his expression was frantic. Parks cursed and screamed at me. "What... just happened?"

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