Jasper Gets a Phone Call

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Alright. That is it. "Red thing in bread with tomato sauce"? Not knowing about Candlewick technology? Pronouncing his own state wrong? Oh yeah. This kid has either lost his mind or isn't from this century.

Jasper slowed down once we got there. He ordered two hot dogs and then got us some soda. We sat down on one of the picnic tables. I watched him shove that thing down his throat. Man, that kid can eat! "Are you, like, really that hungry?" I asked. I guess it was kind of rude, but still. He could eat a grown horse and still have room for ice cream. All without getting fat. I started to drink my Sprite.

Jasper nodded. "Well yeah, I mean for the past few weeks I actually have food for a change." He complained. I placed my can back on the table, "What?" Time to investigate, more or less.

He immediately regretted his decision saying anything and stopped. The guy wiped his mouth with a napkin and cleared his throat. "What?" He echoed. I was really concerned. "Is the guy not feeding you or something?" I asked. "If he doesn't, you should say something! I may have only known you shortly, but everyone needs food to live!"

I was famous for talking with my hands, so I definitely looked like I was flailing my arms around.

Jasper took off his cap and patted off dust. "Well..." He pondered. "I do get fed. Just not as much." I used the most intimidating tone I can use, "You, sir, are lying."

I think I scared him a little too much. His face was drained of color and his black iris seemed to darken. He clutched the hat close to him and ruffled his curly hair. I have got to admit, this boy is absolutely adorable. Not that it matters. Obviously.

"Braith." Someone said next to us, making us both jump. It was Lilith in a black tank top with a dark blue skirt. She had a leather jacket with a thunderbolt on the sleeve. It matched her blond bangs up front and the rest of her black, short hair. Honestly, I think she looked like a great girlfriend for Jasper. Looked.

"Yeah?" Jasper a brow, color returning. "You've got a call running by the camp payphone." Jasper was silent. "Are you sure it's me and not Jasper Parks?" He said. He looked so panicked. Lilith nodded. The payphone is old, can only recieve calls and not send. I don't understand why it's there in the first place. We exchanged glances, then turned to Lilith, who just... disappeared. And I'm supposed to be scary?

Jasper looked at me. "Can you come with me?" He whispered. "Please?" I reluctantly nodded and we headed to the camp payphone where the phone was settled on top of the machine. Jasper took the phone and nervously set it to his ear. "Um... hello?"

I couldn't hear the person on the other line, but it just made Jasper look like he wanted to vomit. "Oh, it's you." He said bitterly, then regained posture. "Yeah... sorry." He gave out a growl at the apology. "I didn't think I had to be here the whole summer. How long does it last?" It's called summer camp for a reason.

"What?!" Jasper said, propping himself up. "I was told 140 hours, then I go home. Not three months. Please, I have to get back." Pause. "Okay." Pause. "I know." Pause. "Alright."

Cue long pause. "How... How is Bianca?" Pause. He suddenly looked furious. "My sister! You said she would be taken care of by the doctor next door." He clenched his fist. Nothing is adding up. Was this all a cover story or something? I swear to God, was he a prisoner on probation?

"You are to ensure her safety as a Vigilum. I don't care if I'm being rude to you. I'm here at this stupid Academy because I had no choice." He gritted his teeth, trying not to yell. "I'm only here so my sister is safe." Pause. "Are you sure?" Pause. "Then have a great day." He slammed the phone to its hook and took off his hat, wringing it.

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