Things Go Out With a Boom

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Whose voice was it? Cal didn't know. Maybe it was Fionna's, by the way it put him in a trance. Momoko whacked him in the head. "Oi, Ice-Freak. Kinda busy here."

"Well sorry for being a boy." He replied. Stacy smiled. "Oh, you guys are so cute. I expected all of you to turn on me sooner, but Lilith? What happened?"

Lilith stayed silent, brushing a black and blond tuft of hair behind her ear. "Hold on. Don't tell me." Stacy had a huge grin on her face, as if she had just won the lottery. "You actually found friends? Sorry to burst your bubble, sweetie, but that isn't allowed for you."

"And why not?" Cal stepped forward, putting an arm out by Lilith who was so angry she looked ready to pounce on her mom and tear her to shreds. "She's not the one testing on innocent kids who have nothing to do with all of... this." He gestured to the crystal.

"Oh, no. You're all connected. It all comes back to about... the years 2047, 2050, and 2064. When your parents worked here." She said and walked over to a desk. She picked up a picture frame. "Your dad was quite the looker, Cal."

"Wait, back up, which dad?" His foster dad? Maybe he could have worked here on his business trips, since he was a researcher and all. His foster mom was a detective, and she had been to Yale for college... "Birth dad, of course."

His heart dropped. "What?" He croaked. "He worked here?" Stacy looked up. "Both of your parents, actually." "I'm still confused."

"Your mom and dad, dumba-" "I know that!" Cal said, cutting Momoko off. Stacy just laughed once again and turned on the computers. "There's a pill."

Lilith winced. "They had volunteered to take it when they worked here, yours too Momoko. And Jasper's, and the twins', and Ruby's, et cetera. They knew the costs." She set the frame on the ground and kicked it over to them. Cal stopped it with his foot.

"It seems like Cal was the lucky one." She sat down. "Go on. Take a look. Keep it if you want."

Cal hesitated then picked up the frame. There was a dark skinned man with a shaved head. He was tall and well built. He could have been one of those football players his mom used to make him watch (and of course he wasn't too interested. Especially when your mom is screaming: GO! GO! GO! at the television).

He wore a red sweater vest and jeans. His arm was draped over a woman with curly red hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had freckles all over her face and on her neck. She wore a white long sleeved v-neck and a purple vest over. She was obviously pregnant.

In the background there were lots of people he recognized. Some of them were people from the testing room or worked in the crystal's room. Cal opened up the frame and took the photo out.

"What are you doing?" Stacy asked. Cal glanced up at her when a bunch of wiring was connected to the photo. There was writing on the back: Monte &  Catherine Flavian. "I'm not stupid." He said and managed to disconnect it without ripping the picture. He tossed the frame aside, the glass shattering. "So, that 'accident' my dad was talking about was a lie." He whispered to himself.

"I know you want to know more. You had a big brother. His name was Harry. Sweet boy he was, but no disorder. Then you were born."

"You make it sound like I was a mistake." Cal said, sarcastically. Stacy nodded. "Yes. How rude of me." She almost scowled that he didn't take the bait. "Well your parents died in a bad crash. You and Harry had to seperate. Then-"

"I don't need to know my life story, thank you. I'm already having a fantastic time living in it." Cal said, hands trembling. Momoko stepped up. "What I want to know is, who snitched?"

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