How To Tell Which Section You're In When You're Clueless

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Sah-die wagged a finger at me. "Test and talk. Track, come on." I zipped up my jacket. Didn't want that to flap around. She took off my hat, which released my monster hair that almost covered my eyes. "You, my boy, need a haircut." She said.

Then Marazine's lady helper called Sah-die's name. Which was actually pronounced Say-dee. Oh well. It's still spelled Sadie. I started at the track. "So I just run?"

"You have to get those three weights," she pointed at the three red things that look like giant pebbles. One was the size of my letter to B, the other was the size of Marzie's laptop, and one the size of a pillow. "Over there," She pointed to a 10-meter track finish line.

"It's basically a relay, darling." Sadie grabbed a clipboard and rolled a stone between her fingers. "Oh, and it has to be in five minutes and under." "And you'll explain? It seems really interesting."

" Hām.̐ Yes. And maybe if you finish early-" That was enough for me (and did she just say ham?). And I am not going back and forth. I stacked the weights from biggest to the bottom and smallest on top. I picked it up, bending my knees. A grunt escaped from my mouth.

"What are you doing, kid?" She almost got up from her seat. I rushed myself to the 10-meter line, which just took a couple of seconds. I lugged 100 pound coals and stones underground the underground city back and forth a two mile walk. This is nothing.

I set it down a good foot away from the 10-meter mark and jogged back. "How long?" I wasn't even tired yet. Maybe a little. I need to get more sleep at night. She looked down at her watch, "Uh, 54 seconds." I smiled. "Anything else we need to do, Sah-d-- I mean, Sadie?"

Sadie blinked and smirked. "That might've been the smartest and stupidest thing ever." She laughed and started to fix my hair. Then started playing with it. "Boy, what conditioner do you use because your hair is perfect." She put my cap on, then patted my head.

I would've said something sarcastic, or told her to lay off (politely), but words couldn't escape my mouth. Sadie suddenly reminded me of my mom. No, don't think about them. You already have Bianca to worry about. "So are we done?" I mustered with a smile. "Fre-e-e-e time?"

"No-o-o-o, pull up time. How many can you do in two minutes?" Sadie led me to a pull up bar. Personally, I never used one. It can't be that hard right? Right...? I jumped up to grab the bar and pulled myself up. I struggled at first. I was too cocky. Way too cocky.

Then it got easier, and I pulled myself up again. Then again and again. ̐"So," I grunted. "Talk." I pulled myself up again and took a breath before pulling. "Let us start with the Sight Section. Yours is the most common." Sadie explained. "Uh-huh." I pulled. She continued. "The eyes are one of the most important organs in the body, in my opinion anyway."

She rolled the stone between her fingers. "You know when they say that some 'things' cannot be seen with the naked eye? They lied." Sadie flicked the stone upwards, then caught it wither her opposite hand. "How does that... explain anything...?"

I hung from the bar for a bit, then started again. Sadie chuckled, "It doesn't. I'm just trying to see if you noticed that your time was up three minutes ago."

I basically fell on the floor. My arms hurted, and I was exhausted. Is it bad that I was kind of having fun? "Seriously, priya, you should take off that jacket. You'll suffocate." She said. "Come here."

I stumbled up and walked over to her. She took off my hat and grabbed a small towel from a cart by the track. Sadie wiped my face (which I could have done on my own, thank you very much) and made me turn around. She gently took the mess I call hair and tied it up. I had a time little puff of black as a ponytail with my front curls a little out of my face. Then she put the hat back on my head. I did feel better at least. Oh God, she did remind me of my mother.

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