Chaoter Fifteen

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The next day I picked her up and held her to my chest. I could hear her little snores. I got her cleaned up and dressed in another outfit. I wiped her face and smiled. "I will always love you. No matter what. I love you." I said to her and kissed her forehead. She laid out in front of me in a cute dress, and frilly socks on. I sighed and put her in her car seat and went to the closet and got some clothes out for myself.

I didn't like the idea of going somewhere where I was fired and people probably had bad judgement of me. My door opened. "I'll watch her you take your time." He said and I grabbed jeans and a shirt. I went to my bathroom and got undressed. I still was styling the fat from my pregnancy. I took a shower letting my tense shoulders be relieved by the hot water that burned my skin.

I had my daughter back in my arms. I was so happy and relieved. I didn't know what to feel. I was so happy that she was here and that I was not accused of trying to hurt her. I turned the shower off and dried my body off and got dressed. I did my makeup and hair. I looked better than I had in a while. I walked out and put a jacket on. She was in her car seat, and I bent down and kissed her gently on the cheek. "I love you so much. I promise I do. I will be back."

"Where are you going?" He asked but I didn't answer. I went to my closet and grabbed a suit case. "Emily you can't leave. Your not stable yet." He said, and I packed my bag of necessities. He grabbed my arms.

"Let me go!" I screamed punching his chest.

"Emily listen." He said and I refused. Emilia started to cry waking up from her nap. I pushed him away and ran to her. I knelt down and unlocked her out of her seat. I picked her up and rocked her in my arms. "See you will be missing her if you were to go. You can't go. She needs you." He said. I placed her back softly and locked her in and went back to packing. "Where are you going? What's your new phone number?"

"I don't know, and don't have one." I said, and packed another suitcase. I grabbed hair and make up necessities organizing them in my suitcase.

"How are you going to get a ticket for a plan on such short notice." He said and when he saw I wasn't going to answer he grabbed Emilia and left the room. I bite my lip to keep myself from crying. When I was done I walked out. He was talking intensely with Bryson and Kelsey.

"Great your ready let's go." He said.

"I'm not going with you." I spoke and he looked hurt. He grabbed my luggage.

"We should be back soon." He spoke. We got outside and he lifted my suitcases from the stairs and reached behind him to make sure I didn't fall. We got to his car and I didn't think I could do it. It brought back so many memories. I sat in the backseat and rested putting my head back. "We will take the company airplane. We will go to my summer house in the Bahamas."

"I want to go somewhere by myself." I said and we got to his house.

"You coming in?" He asked ignoring me. I ignored him right back. I wasn't under his contract. "I have food in the fridge, help yourself." He left me in the car. Five minutes later I lingered out of the car and went inside. Inside the kitchen I searched for food. I found muffins and picked at one. It actually tasted good. "I'm glad you actually decided to come in. I have a secret junk food drawer. Help yourself." He said opening it and I just looked at it. "You like donuts right. Here you go, I'll get you a water bottle. Let's go." He said when he knew I wasn't going to move. I went back to the car and he packed everything inside. I went back to the seat in the back and locked myself in. He tried conversing with me but I didn't want to speak.

When we got to the airport we were escorted to a medium size place. We got in situated and was offered food. I said no thank you and we were left alone. He sat on the other side typing away on his laptop. "You shouldn't worry, she is in good hands. Your friends." He said and I locked myself in reclining back. "This is going to be fun. So relaxing."

I rolled my eyes and turned over. This was some game to him. I rubbed my head thinking of the dream I had. It felt so real, but now that I know it isn't my heart aches. He doesn't love me and I'm all alone. Sure he is taking me away to his vacation house but only because I was running away and he feels extremely guilty for how he treated me. I shut my eyes trying to forget everything. The dream, the drama after birth, myself ever believing he would love me. I tried to keep the tears to a minimum but I heard his typing on his computer stop. I tried to pretend I was asleep. I heard shuffling and he was standing over me. He reached down and wiped my tears holding onto my face. Something warm was placed on my body and I shifted. I felt him leave and I relaxed feeling myself drift off to sleep.

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