Chapter Twenty-One

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The rest of dinner was filled with light chatter and fake smiles. I saw right through them. When they left I was happy. "That was something." He spoke. "Let's drink some wine to forget it all." He spoke.

"I rather go to bed please." I spoke not looking at him. He grabbed my hand.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No I am fine. I'm just tired. I never really got that nap I needed." I spoke.

"Okay see you tomorrow morning." He smiled. I pulled my hand away and ran upstairs. I got to my room and locked the door. I took the dress off and put the t-shirt back on. I grabbed the pumps and placed them neatly by the door. I folded the dress and put the dress on the vacant dresser.

I played a part and soon it will end. I should have seen this coming. He doesn't want anything to do with me. I'm just the mother of his daughter.

I couldn't get her words out of my head. I turned my light off and got in my bed.


"Emily wake up." Jax called from the door but I ignored him. I turned over. He must have noticed I wasn't going to get up because he left my door.

A few moments later my bathroom door opens and he's pulling the covers off me. "Emily come on wake up." He said. I pushed away from him. "What's wrong? Ever since yesterday you have been in a mood."

"Nothing is wrong." I mumbled reaching for my covers behind me. He grabbed me out of my bed. "Why can't you just let me be." I let him carry me wherever.

"I got breakfast and coffee." He said trying to get my attention. I was placed in a chair. "I fed Emilia. She's with my parents for the day. They should be gone today." He said.

"I'm not hungry and would like to get some sleep." I frowned at the mention of his parents.

"Not even for coffee. Your not leaving until you tell me what is wrong. Is it your monthly back?" He asked.

"Oh my god move!" I yelled but he blocked me from moving.

"Emily I know your not embarrassed by something like that. I can ask my secretary to go get you your necessities and pick up some clothes for you." He said.

"Move!" I yelled at him. I pushed him away but he grabbed my arm. "Your beating annoying."

"Oh come on. You are acting different and I just want to help. How is that annoying?" He asked.

"Please." I begged.

"Do you need anything?" He asked. I shook my head. He let me go. I grabbed the mug of coffee and a piece of bacon and l left the room. I went upstairs and sat on my bed. I got up and looked out the window. Instantly getting blinded by the sun.


"Emily." Jax called. I haven't left my room in two hours. I got up and opened the door. He brought in bags and boxes.

"What....What is all this?" I asked.

"Some temporary clothes until you feel like getting yours. Well they aren't temporary they are yours." He smiled. He motioned me to look. I sat on my bed and opened the box. It was a pair of expensive heels.

"You can't do this." I shook my head.

"I can." He simply said and smiled. "I want you happy when you live here. You looked so stress, and nervous, and anxious. This is also a thank you for dealing with my parents. They mean good." He said.

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