Chapter 1

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"Morning, Princess. How has your morning gone", Newt greets, sitting across from me, at the table.

"Pretty okay", I reply, sipping my water. "What about yours?"

"Pretty boring, actually", Newt answers, stealing a piece of my food.

"Um, rude", I joke, finishing up my food, before standing up and leaving the building, following Newt out the door.

"So, what am I gonna be doing today", I ask, as we walk over to Alby.

"Probably working at the gardens, with me", Newt answers. I nod, as we approach Alby.

"Morning, guys", Alby greets, as we look down at the hatch where the box comes up with him.

"Have you been standing here all morning", I ask, raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Maybe", Alby admits, before looking away from the box and towards us. "Don't you have work to tend to?"

"Yeah, yeah", Newt chuckles, rolling his eyes.

We both walk off, towards the gardens.



"Why can't I be a runner", I ask, making him stop dead in his tracks.

He slowly turns towards me, looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Where's this coming from?"

"I don't know... I've just been... thinking about it", I admit, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well, stop. You're not gonna be a runner", Newt sighs, as we continue walking.

"But why?"

"Cause I said so..."

"Well, yeah, but... everyone here has seen me run. I'm fast, so why am I not a runner", I sigh.

"Cause it's too dangerous.... You should know that more than anyone else here...", Newt sighs, making me stop walking.

"I can't believe you just went there...." I push past him, annoyed.

"Bell, I'm sorry... I'm not doing this because I'm trying to control your life. I'm doing this because I don't want you to die", Newt says, jogging, to catch up to me.

"So, you don't believe in me?"

"No. No, no, no. I do believe in you, but I don't want you to go out there... and make a mistake... and have to suffer the consequences. People make mistakes... even the best of the best... and I don't want you to make that mistake.. again... but this time... it be your last mistake", Newt sighs, making me stop walking.

"I know... I just wanna do something different, you know? And I sure as hell wanna get out of here. Maybe I could find the way out. Who knows", I say.

"What if... whatever's out there.. isn't what we want it to be?"

"I don't know.... but I do know... it can't be any worse than it is in here... We're trapped in here, and we don't know when whoever put us in here... is gonna stop sending us supplies. We don't know, and those supplies we do get... are helpful. The people we get are helpful. If that all stops one day, and they decide to go haywire and kill us all... we're screwed because we don't know the way out", I point out.

"You're right... but don't give up yet. Minho thinks he might find something... soon", Newt says.

"I'll try not to..."

With that, I walk off towards the gardens.

We've been stuck here for three years.

I don't ever know the time.

I don't ever know the day.

I don't know my age.

I don't know who my family was.

I don't know who my friends were.

I don't know what my life was like, before I was put in here.

I also don't know why I'm the only girl to have ever been put here... but I am.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't, but on the other hand, I like being special, different even.

I just... wanna get out.

I wanna know why we were all put in here.

I wanna know what happened.

I wanna know who put us in here.

I wanna know everything.

If I never find out... there will always be this sense of... anger in me.

I'll never be at peace, and before I die, I wanna know everything.

I have to.

I can't die, after three years of being here and being in the dark about everything.

I've seen my friends die.

I've seen people come and go.

I've seen people get stung and the effects of it.

I need to know why they died... and who put grievers in the maze that are the things that have killed us... for three years.

I need to know who and how.. and why...

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