Chapter 20

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"Whoa, what the hell's going on out there", Newt asks, as we dash out of the maze.

"What the hell you done now, Thomas? Bella", Gally sneers.

"We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out", Thomas replies.

"Really", Newt questions.

"It's true. We opened a door, something I'd never seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day", Minho nods.

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa... You're saying you found the Grievers' home", Chuck questions. "And you want us to go in?"

"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck", I sigh.

"Yeah, or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side. The truth is, Thomas and Bella don't know what they've done, as usual", Gally hisses, making Thomas and I stop walking.

"Yeah, well, at least we've done soemthing, Gally. I mean, what have you done? Huh? Aside from hide behind these walls all the time", Thomas growls.

"Let me tell you something, Greenie. You've been here three days, all right? I've been here three years", Gally snaps.

"Yeah, you've been here three years, and you're still here, Gally! All right? So, what does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little differently", Thomas exclaims.

"Maybe you should be in charge, what about that?"

"Hey, it's Alby! He's awake...", Teresa exclaims, making them stop arguing instantly.


"Has he said anything", Minho asks.


"Alby....", Newt says, gently, walking over to him.

He slowly sits beside him, looking at him.

"Alby, are you all right", Newt asks.

Thomas kneels down beside them, looking at Alby.

"Hey, Alby. Alby, we might have just found a way out of the maze", Thomas says, quietly. "Do you hear me? We could be getting out of here..."

He only shakes his head.

"We can't... We can't leave. They won't let us", Alby responds, barely audible.

"What are you talking about", Thomas asks, confused.

"I remember.."

We all exchange shocked looks, before I let out a shaky breath.

"What do you remember?"

"You and Bella", Alby replies, looking at Thomas, before looking at me. "But you were always their favorite, Thomas... Always... Bella was never even meant to be sent in... She was supposed to end up like the rest of them..."

I hear boys shouting from the outside, making me rush outside.

My eyes widen, when I see that the maze walls are still open.

"Oh my god..."

"Hey, Winston. What's going on?"

"It's the doors. They aren't closing", He answers, before rushing off.

I look towards them to see people running towards the entrance.

We run over to it, joining everyone else.

I slowly glance over at Newt, and he glances at me.

There's a loud clang, making us all cover our ears, jumping at the noise.

I slowly turn around to see the other entrance opening.

The one that never opens...

There's another loud clang, making me look over to see the other entrance opens.

Finally... there's one more loud clang, and I slowly look over to see the last entrance to the maze opening.

"Chuck, I want you to go to the Council Hall, okay? Start barricading the doors", Thomas says.


"Winston, you go with him", Newt adds. "You to", Newt says to me.

"No, I'm not leaving. I'm staying right here... with you", I shake my head.


"Get the others. Go tell them to hide in the forest. Now", Gally orders.

"Minho, I want you to grab every weapon you can find", Thomas says, quietly. "I'll meet you at Council Hall."

"Let's go", Minho says to a few others.

"Teresa, you and I are gonna go get Alby, all right? Come on", Thomas says, when there's shouting coming from the boys that were going to the forest.

I look over to see them running out of the forest, when there's a loud roaring sound.

"Grievers", I whisper.

"All right, everybody hide", Thomas yells, before Thomas grabs my hand and pulls me to the weeds.

We both crouch down, hiding in the weeds, before as still and quiet as possible.

I hear boys screaming all around us, when I feel the ground shake from beside us.

"Ahh", Zart yells.


Thomas tries to grab him, but the griever pulls him up first.

"Help me", Zart yells.

"Go! Get to the village", Thomas yells, as we run through the weeds.

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