Chapter 21

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I get caught away from everyone else, when a griever separates me from them.

I quickly back up, looking around for a weapon of some sort.

Shit!! There isn't one...

Oh god. I am so fucked.

I grab a lantern from a post and throw it at the griever setting it on fire.

I quickly dash past it, meeting back up with everyone else.

"You all right", Thomas asks, as we run towards the council hall.


Alby trips over a rock, making him fall. Thomas and Jeff help him up, and I glance back to see the griever catching up to us.

"Everybody behind me", Thomas orders.

"Hell no", I say, standing beside him, weapon at the ready.

It raises it's stinger, when an ass load of poles and arrows hit it, making it cower down.

"Over here!!! Let's go!"

Newt and the others run over to us, and Newt grabs my hand, as we rush to the council hall.

"Winston! Get Alby inside", I say, as everyone rushes in. I grab Chuck's hand, pulling him inside and shutting the door.

"Lock down the doors!"

They secure the doors, as we all step down into the lower part, staying as quiet as possible.

There's a pounding at the door, making me jump.

They keep pounding on the walls and doors, when one of them jumps on the roof and pounds on it.

"Stay back, guys", Newt says, quietly.

The griever starts to knock in the roof, making us step away from the area it's beating in at.

It's arm finally breaks in, making us all yell in shock.

It grabs ahold of the stick that's holding the roof up, before the roof falls in.

We all duck down, shielding our bodies from the debris.

"Is everyone all right", Newt asks, pulling himself out from under the debris.


"Hey, grab him!"


I start to grab the boys hand, when a griever pulls him out first, making us back away.

"Watch out!!"

The grievers continue to beat on the weakened walls, when one breaks in, behind Chuck, and grabs him.

"No! Chuck", I exclaim, grabbing his hand.

Everyone grabs my waist, helping me pull him back.

Everyone else grabs his arms, pulling him back, as well.

"Chuck, don't let go", I say.

"Oh, shit!!"

I notice the Grievers stinger pop out, pointing at me, making me eyes widen.

Oh no... Not again.

Alby quickly steps in, knocking the stinger off. He beats the arm of it off, making it release Chuck. Alby hits the arm of it one more time, making it retract back.

"Chuck, are you okay", Thomas asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine", Chuck nods. "Thanks, Alby", Chuck adds.

"Yeah.... Thank you. You saved my life to", I say, when I hear a different griever break through the rest of the roof.

"Alby, watch out!"

It grabs his back, making me quickly jump up, grabbing his arm.

Thomas also grabs his arm, and he looks at us, before speaking.

"Thomas... Bella... get them out..."

Our eyes widen, before the griever pulls him out of our grips.


"NO", I scream.

I dash towards the door, making everyone try to stop me.

"Bella, don't go out there!!"

"Bella, don't!!!"

I run outside, stopping instantly when I see the whole place burning.

Everything we've done for three years.

Everything we've worked for.


In a matter of minutes.

I hear the Grievers roaring in the distance, as I look at the burning buildings.

"Where is everybody?"

"Who's that over there?"

I squint my eyes to see Gally storming over to Thomas and I.

Oh shit...

He's angry.

Gally swiftly approaches Thomas, fists clenched.


He instantly punches Thomas in the face, making me grab his fist, pushing him back.

"Back off, asshole!!"

Gally overpowers me, forcing my arms down and slapping me in the face, sending me towards the ground, next to Thomas.

"This is all you two!! Look around", Gally yells.

"Back off, Gally", Minho yells.

"This is not their fault", Newt snaps, angrily.

"You heard what Alby said!! He's one of them. Both of them are!!"

"One of who", Newt asks.

"They're one of them, and they sent them here to destroy everything, and now he has", Gally yells. "Look around!! Look around!"

I slowly look around at all the destruction around us, and the tears start to form in the corners of my eyes.

I notice the stinger in Chuck's hand, before I slowly grab it, speaking.

"Maybe he's right...."

"Bella...", Newt says, looking at me, wide-eyed.

"I need to remember, Newt", I sigh, before swiftly stabbing myself in the chest with it, making me scream in pain.

The last thing I see is Thomas taking it from me... and repeating my actions.

I feel someone grab me, before I look up at the person.

"No! Why would you do that", Newt asks, tears forming in his eyes.

"I love you...", I whisper, before drifting off into a deep slumber.

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