Chapter 2

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"Hey, Princess? Can you go get us more fertilizer", Newt asks, making me look up.

"Yeah", I say, holding out my hands.

Newt tosses me the basket, and I catch it.

"Thanks", Newt smiles, before I return the smile and walk towards the forest.

Working in the gardens isn't harder than any of the other jobs here, but I do have to get fertilizer from this creepy ass forest, which isn't preferable, but it's whatever.

It's my job, and we all have a job to do here.

I could have some other job like slicer or slopper, which are definitely worse jobs. Even bagger is worse than working in the garden.

I don't really have a specific job yet. I'm good at a lot of things, so I help out everywhere and everyone. Whatever they need me or want me to do that day. I do it. No questions asked.

I sigh to myself, as I start to put fertilizer in the basket.

However, I hear a loud alarm going off, making me stop instantly.

That's the boxes alarm.

If the box comes up without someone, there isn't an alarm.

If the box is carrying a new person, there is an alarm.

I quickly slip my gloves off, tossing them beside the basket, before running out of the forest.

After about 30 seconds, I'm out of the forest.

I see everyone gathered around the box, making me quickly rush over to them, before I push my way through them, standing next to Newt.

"Someone's fixing to come up", Newt says, not peeling his eyes away from the box.

"I know. I heard the alarm", I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

After a couple seconds, the hatch slowly opens to reveal a guy about the age of 17 or 18 holding his hand in front of his eyes, blocking the sunlight.

He looks about 5'8" or so. He's got brown hair that stuck to his head, from all the sweat.

He's been sweating a lot, and he's out of breath.

Poor guy is probably really confused.

He slowly looks up at us, breathing slowly, as his eyes adjust to the sunlight.

A couple of guys start to laugh, making me roll my eyes.

A few of them open the metal hatch above the box, before Gally steps down a bit.

"Go get him."

Gally jumps in, hovering over the guy, as he just backs up a bit.

"Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine", Gally says, before grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him up on his feet.

After a few minutes, they've got him out, and Gally tosses him on the ground.

Some more of the boys laugh, while he slowly looks up at us.

"He looks like a slopper to me."

"I could use some help in the kitchen."

He looks so scared.

I know it's "mandatory", and they're just joking around with him, but I still feel bad for him.

I guess I really am the sympathetic one, like everyone calls me.

They all continue to chatter and laugh, before the boy bursts up, running away.

"Oh my god", I whisper.

He's fast.

Really fast.

"Oh", The boys yell, as he dashes off.

"Hey, we got a runner!!"

He gets pretty far, running at the speed of light... before he trips over a rock and hits the ground.


They all burst out into laughter, before I watch the boy slowly stand up, looking at everything.

The boys start to cheer and applaud, as he looks around.

Ugh, I love these guys and all, but they can be real shanks.

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