Chapter 12

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"Thomas... don't freak out.... but there is a griever... right above your head", I say, quietly, before he slowly looks up. He quickly backs up, before it jumps down.

We both quickly run off, as it chases us.

"Come on!! This way", I call, grabbing his hand and pulling him around the corner.

We both continue to run down various paths, until we come upon two dead ends.

"Oh, shit", I exclaim, when it comes up behind us.

I glance around, when I notice you can climb up the vines.

"Up the ivy", I say, making him run over to it.

We both quickly climb up the vines, before rolling onto another platform.

He gets up first, grabbing my hands and pulling me over.

"Let's go!! Jump", I yell, before we both jump onto the second platform.

I hit the ground of the second pillar, before we both scatter to our feet, running around a corner.

I instantly stop, when I see that it's a dead end.


"We have to jump onto the ivy, if we wanna get away", Thomas says.

"You're right.... I'll go first, since I got us into this", I sigh.

I back up a bit, before sprinting off the pillar and onto the vine. I grab ahold of it, before hitting the ground.

"Come on, Thomas!!!" I slide down the vines, landing on my feet.

Thomas jumps off the pillar, landing on the ivy.

"Come on!!"

The griever comes running off, as well, and it lands over Thomas.

"Shit!! Just jump", I yell.

Thomas let's go, landing on his feet.

We back up to see the griever stuck in the vines.

"This is our chance!!"

We both back up, when someone grabs both of us.


We both jump, gasping, looking over to see Minho.

"You're two crazy sons of bitches", Minho says, before we continue running.

I hear the walls shifting behind us, making my eyes widen.

"Okay, it's changing. Come on, come on!" "This section is closing. We can lose it down here", Minho says, running through it.

However, Thomas stops.

We make it to the end, when I see Thomas waiting.

"Thomas, what the hell?!"

"Come on", Thomas yells.

I watch as Thomas runs through the closing doors, with the griever behind him.

"Come on, Thomas! Don't look back", We yell.


"Move your ass!! Come on, come on!!!"

He makes it out, and I grab his arm, pulling him out, at the last second, while the griever gets stuck in between the walls, dead.

"You crazy, son of a bitch", I sigh, before pulling him into a tight hug. "Don't you ever fucking dare do that again", I sigh, taking a deep breath. "Or I'll kill you myself...", I add, looking at the dead griever.

"Come on, let's go", Minho sighs.

We continue to run along, keeping a good pace.

*The Next Morning- Newt's Pov*

"Guys, get up", Chuck yells, making me instantly get up. 

I couldn't sleep all night knowing the girl I love could be lying somewhere dead.... I couldn't lose her. I've been in love with her, since the day I met her.

I knew she was... strong... I knew she was... smart. I knew she was... different.

I kissed her. She kissed back. I finally had her. Finally. I can't lose her....

I'm in love with her.

I am in love with Bella...

"They have to be alive...", Chuck sighs.

"I told you, Chuck... They're not coming back", I sigh, not wanting to say the words.

We all start to walk away, and I fight back my tears, when someone speaks. "No way." I slowly stop walking, and I turn around.

"Oh my god.....", I whisper.

"Yeah", Chuck yells. I slowly walk towards the entrance to the maze to see Thomas and Minho holding up Alby.... but..

where's.... Bella?

I watch as everyone helps Thomas and Minho, but I look behind them to see Bella walking around the corner.

A smile spreads across my face, when I see her.

Our eyes meet, and she smiles, before sprinting towards me.

When she reaches me, I embrace her into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground.

"Oh my god... I thought you were dead", I whisper, as she sobs in my arm quietly.

I set her down, looking into her beautiful green eyes.

"Newt... what about everyone else...", I say.

"I don't care", Newt says, before leaning down and kisses my lips passionately, right in front of everyone.

I kiss back, and everyone cheers.

"How did you make it out?"

"By being fast and strong..."

"And smart", Newt smiles.

"I told you. All you had to do... was believe in me", I sigh.

"I do now.... and I will never stop believing in you", Newt smiles.

"You saw a griever", Chuck says.

"He didn't just see one.... He killed it", I say, making everyone look at Thomas, shocked.

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