Chapter 7

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*That Night*

I wake up suddenly, sweat trickling down my forehead.

Occasionally I get these... dreams that... freak me the hell out... and this was one of them.

I quietly stand up, walking outside.

It's still dark out.

I slowly walk over to a stump on the ground and take a seat on it, staring at the maze.

I wonder what's out there.

Other people?

A civilization?

What was life like... before the maze?

Where's my family? My friends?... Maybe... a significant other..

Where are they all?

Are there more mazes? Are we the only ones left on earth?

Why am I the only girl here?

Was a mistake?

Am I supposed to be dead?

What happened?

I don't ask these questions to be annoying or depressing... I ask them because I want to know.

I want to know why we're here.

I know we've got a job to do... and.. we don't need to be pining over these questions, but... I can't help it.

It's hard being the only girl here and not knowing why.

It's hard not being able to go out in the maze and see what's out there.

Sometimes I just wish... I'd be chosen as a runner already.

They've seen me.

I'm fast. I'm strong. I'm smart. I could be the way out. I doubt I am... but who knows? I am the only girl here...

"Hey, what are you doing up", I hear someone ask, from behind me, making me jump.

I slowly glance back to see Thomas walking over to me.

"I could ask you the same question..."

"I asked first."

"Couldn't sleep, I guess", I sigh.

"Same here. Can I sit?" I nod and scoot over, so he can sit next to me.

"What's it like being the only girl here?"

"Well... it's not easy, as stupid as that sounds. I constantly have guys pining over me, watching me, staring at me, staring at me. It's kind of annoying. Most girls would like all the attention. Not me", I admit.


"Yeah. I've already got my eye on someone... I have for a long time. Newt keeps asking me if I like you... and I don't. I mean, don't get me wrong... you're cute, but I don't like you, like that", I explain.

"Wait, why does he keep asking you if you like me?"

"Cause I guess... I am really fascinated by you... You're different."


"I don't know. I can't pinpoint it. I just can... tell. Plus you're really curious, and you're one of the few who have remembered their name in the same day as when they arrived. Usually it takes the new greenie two or three days, at the most. Besides, most greenies wouldn't dare get even kind of close to the maze entrance, but you just wanted right up to it, like it was no big deal", I say.

"I also didn't know what it was."


"Well, you're different to. You are a girl, but besides that... you seem to be more sympathetic than anyone else", Thomas admits.

"I am... Mostly cause I am a girl. Everyone else can be... really sweet once you get to know them, especially Newt. He's really sweet. Maybe not to other guys, but.. he is to me. There's a lot of different people here, but...  none of them... will ever cross you or... talk about you. The only way all this works... is if we have trust and peace", I say.

"I know... I can tell."

"I think you're gonna fit in, just fine... but you can't just walk up to the maze, and you can't be too curious. We really were just trying to protect you. I went into the maze... once...", I admit.

"What?! You did?!"

"Yeah... It was before the rules were established.... I didn't know what it was... and I just... walked into it. Newt told me not to, but he couldn't really stop me.... I walked in and.... I was in there about an hour. I got lost... but I made it out. However.... not without suffering the consequence of going in there..."

"What happened?"

I slowly lift up my shirt, over my shoulders, turning my back to him, revealing the scar across the back of my shoulder.

"Holy shit. What happened?!"

"I was stung...... by a griever", I sigh, releasing my shirt and looking at him. "Thank God whoever sent us here sent an antidote. There were two needles. A lethal injection that would kill me instantly... and the antidote. Newt... was the one chosen to choose the right one... and he did. He saved my life, Thomas... I've never gone into the maze, after that..", I explain.

"I'm so sorry, Bella..."

"Me too. We've lost so many people to that maze... and if you really wanna be a runner... you're gonna have to be fast... and strong... and smart."

"Is that why you're telling me this?"


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