Chapter 15

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We slowly approach it to see it's dead leg coming out of the wall.

"That's disgusting", Zart says.

"There's something in there", Thomas says, looking more closely at it.

"You mean, besides a Griever pancake", Frypan says.

Everyone looks closely, before I look at Minho. He slowly approaches it, making Zart speak.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing", Zart asks.

Minho reaches his hand in through the crack in the wall, when the griever comes alive.

Everyone yells in surprise, and Minho pulls his arm out, as we all back up.

"I thought you said it was dead", Frypan says.

"Was it a reflex", Zart asks.

"You hope", Winston sighs.

"Okay, pansies. Let's try and pull it out", I sigh, gesturing them towards it.

"You're kidding", Minho says.

"Do I look like I'm kidding", I point out, making Thomas sigh. They all help me pick up the leg of it, before I speak. "All right, ready? On three."

"One, two, three." We start to pull on it, using all our strength.

After a few seconds, we finally pull it's leg off, falling back.

"Are you okay, Fry", Thomas asks, helping Frypan up.

"Yeah, thanks brother."

I slowly walk towards the griever, picking up a blinking device in its arm.

"What the hell", I say.

I reach in, pulling the device out and dropping the guts.

The boys groan in disgust, as the device drips with guts and slime.

"What the hell is that", Thomas asks, as I look over it.

I notice a little red number 7 on the screen of it, before speaking.


"Okay, whatever it is, can we take this up back at the glade? Because I don't want to meet this guy's friends", Frypan sighs.

"Agreed. It's getting late. Let's get back. Come on", I nod my head, handing the device to Minho.

We all start to run back to the glade, and I sigh to myself.

I don't know what the hell we just found.... but something is seriously fucked up about this place.

*Back at the Glade*

"We found this", I say, handing the device to Newt. "It was inside a Griever."

"These are the same letters we get in our supplies", Newt says, looking it over.

"Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers", I sigh. "This is the first real clue, the first anything, you've found in over three years, right Minho?"


"Newt.... we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us", Thomas adds.

"You see what they're trying to do, right", Gally says. "First they break our rules, and then they try to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together. Why now are we questioning that? If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me. These shanks need to be punished."

Newt glances at us, before handing the device back to Minho.

"You're right. Thomas and Bella broke the rules. One night in the pit, each, and no food", Newt says.

"Oh, come on, Newt! One night in the pit? Do you think that's gonna stop them from going into the maze?"

"No. And we can't just have non-runners running into the Maze whenever they feel like it. So let's just make this official. Starting from tomorrow, you two are runners", Newt says, making a small smile spread across my face.

"Wow", Gally shakes his head, before walking off.

"Gally-", Frypan starts.

"Nah, Fry", Gally says, smacking his hand away.

Everyone leaves, but I stay back.

Newt glances at me, before I speak.

"Thank you, Newt", I say, approaching him.

"Just make sure you keep your promise..."

"I will", I say, as he slowly takes my hands in mine.

Newt leans down, connecting his soft lips with mine.

I kiss back, before he pulls me into a tight hug.

"You'll Always Be My Princess...."Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang