Chapter 18

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I hear rustling coming from outside, making me look up. "Who's there", Thomas asks, standing up.

"It's just me", Chuck says, making me smile.

"Sorry, Chuck", Thomas sighs.

"Here. You two'll run better on a full stomach", Chuck says, lowering in some food wrapped in a white sheet of some sort.

"Thank you", I sigh, as he hands me my food.

Thomas and I instantly start to chow down, before Thomas speaks.

"Thanks, Chuck."

He nods, looking at something in his hand.

"Hey, what do you got there", I question.

He shows it to us, making me smile.

"Wow, that came out pretty damn good", Thomas says.

"Yeah, it did", I agree. "What's that for?"

"It's for my parents", Chuck admits.

"You remember your parents", Thomas questions.

"No... I mean, I know I must have them. And wherever they are, I'm sure they miss me, but I can't miss them because I don't remember them", Chuck admits, looking at the maze walls. "What do you think you two are gonna find out there tomorrow", Chuck asks.

"Uh, I don't know. Hey... but if there's a way out, Chuck, me, Minho, and Bella are gonna find it", Thomas assures him.

"Here", Chuck says, handing me the carving he made.

"Chuck, why would you give this to me", I ask.

"I can't remember them anyway", Chuck sighs. "But maybe if you two find a way out, you can give it to them for me. I'll let you two get some sleep."

He stands up, grabbing his lantern, and walking off.

"Hey, Chuck. Come here", I call, making Thomas look at me.

I take the carving from him, as he walks back over to us. He kneels down, looking at me.

"Put out your hand."

He extends his hand, opening it.

I place the carving back in his hand, closing it.

"I want you to give that to them yourself. We're gonna get out of here. All of us. Okay? I promise."

"Yeah", Chuck nods, taking it back.

"All right."

He stands back up, and I smile.

"Good night."

"Good night, buddy", We say, smiling.

After he's gone, Thomas looks at me.

"You care about him a lot.. don't you?"

"Yeah, I do. He's like a little brother to me....", I admit, before sitting back down.

"Mine too... He was the first person to ever be nice to me here, besides you", Thomas sighs, sitting next to me. "Why did you go into the Maze, like that?"

"Why did you follow me?"

"I asked first...", Thomas points out.

"Well... I don't know, honestly. I guess.... I couldn't just leave Minho out there alone, and I sure as hell couldn't let Alby die out there. They've taken care of me, as one of their own, even though I'm a girl. They've treated me no different than anyone else... They're family, and family sticks together", I admit. "So, why did you follow me?"

"I saw the look on Newt's face when you ran in there.... I couldn't let you die... I could tell Newt really cared about you... And he has been nothing but fair to me. I knew he would be... devasted if you didn't make it out. I also remember you telling me about what happened to you, when you went into the maze for the first time... I couldn't let that happen again. Besides, I couldn't let one of the two people who has been nice to me this whole time die on me", Thomas replies, making me smile.

*The Next Morning*

"Big day, you two", Minho says, making me look up. "Are you sure you two don't wanna sit this one out?"

"Shut the hell up", I chuckle.

"Come on, man. Get us out of here", Thomas chuckles, as we stand up. 

"All right."

He unlocks the hatch, and Thomas climbs out. They hold out their hands, and I take them, before they pull me out.

We all slowly approach the maze walls, before I sigh.

"Wait", I hear someone say from behind me. I slowly turn around to see Newt approaching me.

"Newt, what are you-", I start, when he leans down, pressing his lips against mine.

I instantly kiss back, as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I just wanted to see my favorite girl off", Newt sighs, cupping my cheeks.

"Don't worry. I'll be back later... I promise", I smile.

He kisses one more time, before releasing me.

"Coming", Thomas asks, as they run into the Maze. I nod, before following after them.

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