Chapter 15: Do Not Despair

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As Thorin and the others got on the ponies, Gandalf and I stayed behind with Beorn.

"You will leave my ponies before you enter the forest." Beorn advised.

Gandalf nodded. "You have my word."

A bird squawks, causing Gandalf to turn towards the forest. "We are being watched."

"Yes. The orcs will not give up. They will hunt the dwarves until they see them destroyed." Beorn replied.

"Why now? What has made the Defiler crawl from his hole?" Gandalf inquired.

"There is an alliance between the orcs of Moria and the sorcerer of Dol Guldur." Beorn explained.

"Are you sure of this?" Gandalf asked.

"Packs have been seen gathering there. Each day more and more come." Beorn explained.

"What do you know of this sorcerer? The one they call the Necromancer?"

"I know he is not what he seems. Fell things are drawn to his power. Azog pays homage to him." Beorn replied.

At that moment, Thorin's voice reached us. "Gandalf! We must leave."

"Come Aurelia." Gandalf said before he turned to leave.

Before we left, Beorn's voice reached us. "There is more."

At once we both stopped and turned back to face Beorn. "Not long past word had spread that the dead had been seen walking near the high fells of Rhudaur."

"The dead?" I repeated with my eyes wide open.

"Is it true? are there tombs in those mountains?" Beorn then asked.

Gandalf remained silent for a moment before replying. "Yes, there are tombs there."

"I remember a time when a great evil ruled these lands. One powerful enough to raise the dead. If that enemy has returned to Middle Earth, I would have you tell me." Beorn said.

"Saruman the White says it's not possible. The enemy was destroyed and will never return." Gandalf merely said, dodging the question.

"And what does Gandalf the Gray say?" Beorn asked.

Gandalf remained silent. Why deny it now? If I am here then it must mean that evil is brewing. Beorn's eyes glanced over at me. "What do you say?"

The prophecy came back to my mind. I glanced over at Gandalf who gave me a reluctant look. If he helped us he deserves to know. I turned back towards him with a small smile. "Have you heard of the prophecy?"

"You mean the one about the chosen one?" Beorn asked.

I nodded. "Yes. I am the chosen one."

Beorn was taken back. "The chosen one is an elf?"

I shook my head. "Forgive us for lying to you earlier, but I am no elf. I am a star from a different world. My friends and I found this world after going through a magical cave in our world."

Beorn looked as if he was going to say something, but we then heard the wargs. Beorn immediately turned back to us. "Go now, while you have the light. Your hunters are not far behind."

We then made our towards the entrance of the Mirkwood forest. Once we arrived, I dismounted from my pony in a heartbeat. I stood beside Gandalf as he walked through the entrance. Peepicheek stood on my shoulder, while Trufflehunter and the others remained behind, barely dismounting off the ponies.

"The Elven Gate." Gandalf said before turning around towards the others. "Here lies our path through Mirkwood."

I gulped as I looked ahead. I wore a hesitant look. Mirkwood looks as though the darkness had infested the place.

"No sign of the orcs. We have luck on our side." Dwalin commented as he got off his pony.

"Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master." Gandalf ordered.

"Mirkwood...looks rather dark." I pointed out.

"Indeed. Beorn was right..." Gandalf trailed off as he inspected the area.

"This forest feels sick, as if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?" Bilbo asked.

"Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance...south." Gandalf explained.

"This isn't going to end well..." Peepicheek said in a hushed whisper.

"Have some faith, Peepicheek. We have made it this far, have we not?" I pointed out.

"Of course, your majesty." Peepicheek replied. "I am merely worried, that's all."

"I'm worried as well, but we will get through this. You'll see." I assured him.

At that moment I saw Gandalf walking further into the forest, heading towards a statue. It was then when I heard Galadriel's voice. "Something moves in the shadows, unseen, hidden from our sight. Every day it grows in strength. Beware of The Necromancer, he is not what he seems."

Gandalf then pulled back a tree to reveal a painted red eye on the statue. I then saw a black figure with fire all around him, muttering foreign words. I gasped. He then approached closer towards me.

"You will not win, chosen one!" He growled. "You will die along with the line of Durin! You are no match for the mighty Sauron!"

Soon enough I was enveloped with darkness, seeing absolutely nothing around me.

"Aurelia?" Galadriel's voice reached my mind. "Aurelia, do not become discouraged. Do not despair. Sauron is trying to make you doubt your own abilities. Listen to me, you are stronger than you think. You are the chosen one meant to save Middle Earth. I believe in you, my child."

"Are you alright?" Peepicheek inquired.

I nodded. "I'm quite alright. Thank you, Peepicheek for worrying."

"The High Fells. So be it." Gandalf then said.

Gandalf then rejoined with the others and I followed behind him. Gandalf spoke up when he saw that Dori was about to let his pony loose. "Not my horse, I need it!"

Everyone but me looked at Gandalf in utter confusion.

"You're not leaving us?" Bilbo asked.

Gandalf sighed. "I would not do this unless I had to."

He then stopped to look back at Bilbo. "You've changed, Bilbo Baggins. You're not the same hobbit as the one who left the Shire."

"I was going to tell you. I...I found something in the Goblin tunnels." Bilbo explained.

Gandalf narrowed his eyes. "Found what?"

Bilbo hesitated as he placed a hand in the pocket of his coat. Gandalf wore a suspicious look and I couldn't help but wonder what he was going to say.

"What did you find?" Gandalf asked.

"My courage." Bilbo finally said as he removed his hand from his pocket, making me even more suspicious. He's lying.

Gandalf merely nodded. "Good. Well, that's good. You'll need it."

Gandalf then walked over towards his pony. "I'll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me."

Gandalf then mounted on his pony before warning us. "This is not the Greenwood of old, the very air of the forest is heavy with illusion that will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray."

"Lead us astray?" Bilbo repeated.

"What does that mean?" I inquired.

"You must stay on the path, do not leave it. If you do, you'll never find it again." Gandalf explained before he turned his pony to start moving. "No matter what may come, stay on the path!"

Thorin turned and began walking into the forest with the rest of us trailing along behind him.

"Come on, we must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin's Day. Let's go, we've but one chance to find the hidden door." Thorin ordered.

Well here goes nothing. With that we began our journey into the forest of Mirkwood. Hopefully we can make it through in one piece.

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