Chapter 4

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Lauren went back to Noah's bedroom. He was eating his breakfast, at the table, in silence. He made eye contact with her and raised his eyebrows. He motioned with his hands to come closer to him. She sat next to him and he handed her some toast.

"So what's it like where you live?"he asked, hugging his knees. Noah wasn't particularly hungry at that moment.

"Everything is shiny and white except for the people who live there. As you can see, we have to wear these white suits and of they get dirty, we have to pay for it. How about you?"

"Well, you already know what my room looks like and I barely ever step out of it."

"I see."

When they had finished and Noah cleared up and they both got ready for that day. They were on Noah's bed talking and laughing.

"Can I do your hair?" Lauren asked, smirking like an idiot. He raised one eyebrow and handed her a comb.

"Knock yourself out." Lauren hurriedly got behind him and took the comb. She remembered the obsession he had with the number five. She combed his hair lightly in groups of five. He hummed in appreciation. She brushed his hair and felt how soft it was afterwards.

She went to the front, sitting on his lap. It would look very wrong but they didn't know it at the time. She gave him a side fringe as there was nothing else to really do to it.

"Finished!" She exclaimed.

"Can I see? There is a mirror in the top chest of drawers." Noah asked. Lauren nodded and got off of him to look in the top drawer. She pulled out a mirror and handed it to him. He looked into it and smiled. "Not too bad!" He remarked. He looked at Lauren weirdly, before taking a long breath.

"What is it, Noah?" Lauren asked, looking into his eyes.

"Can I try something, quickly." He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. He broke eye contact with her.

"Sure, you can try anything you want." Lauren replied. She sat down in front of him. His eyes regarded a little below her eyes now. Noah took another breath before cupping her face and gently pressed his lips to hers. He didn't know what had made him do this, but it felt like the right thing to do. He had never really kissed anyone before. His heartbeat going hyper at this small act.

Lauren was shocked at what he was doing. She felt an explosion of butterflies erupt in her stomach. She had never kissed anyone before either. The only people she had ever seen kissing were her lesbian friends and their significant others. She lightly put her hands on his back. She began moving her lips in sync with his. She was too caught up in the moment to see a man in his thirties, with a video camera, peeping through the door and recording everything.


"This is absolutely unacceptable!" The manager of the boys' ward yelled, slamming his fists on the table.

"What are we going to do?" One man asked.

"We can't cause too much fuss, otherwise we'll draw attention to ourselves." Another one said. More of the people called to the meeting began chattering until the noise became unbearable.

"This has to stop now!"

"What was the girl even doing in the boy's chamber anyway?"

"This is going to ruin everything!"

"Ugh! Why is this happening!"

"Maybe we should just kill them."

"We can't do that idiot."

"Just everyone shut-up, okay?"

The manager hurled his half-empty beer glass at the wall.

"SILENCE, NOW!" The manager boomed. It filled the room like a swarm of socially awkward bees. "Right, man with the camera, do you think that this was their first kiss, they've experienced? She might be pregnant already." The man with the camera stopped looking at the plain ceiling and towards the manager.

"I'm sure, sir. He asked if he could try something out, remember?" He said.

"We have to drop the isolationism. What should we do? Anyone have any ideas?" The manager asked. The top doctor of the ward put his hand up.

"We could inject him with serotonin and norepinephrine and let the relationship abruptly stop as she realizes the true colours of man." The top doctor advised. All the doctors began cackling, evilly.

"What will happen if we give him these chemicals?"asked the manager.

"Basically, it will prove the girl's theory right. He won't be able to hold himself back from her. The boy will be filled with so much lust and desire, that she is bound to leave and never come back." The doctors were now roaring with laughter.

"Marvelous idea, doctors! She wouldn't know what hit him!" He began laughing with them, until the room was alive with evil chuckling.


Noah pulled away from the kiss, smiling like an idiot. "That was amazing." He breathed. Lauren kept him close, enjoying his warmth. His head rested on her shoulder.

"I've never kissed anyone before so I never knew it felt like this." Lauren admitted.

"Neither have I." Noah replied. "I think I am starting to like you, Lauren."

"I think I am too." She grinned.

They looked into each other's eyes, for what seemed a comfortable eternity, until two knocks were heard at the door.

"Hide! It's my doctors!" Noah whispered, his eyes wide and his voice harsh. "If I leave, lock the door behind me." Lauren nodded and his in the closet once more.

She saw him open the door and take him away. After about a minute, she got out of the closet and locked the door as he had instructed. She wondered what they were going to do to him.


"So, Doctor, what am I going to have now?" Noah asked, annoyed.

"It's too complicated for you to understand." He replied, taking a large syringe and filling it with liquid. He injected it into Noah's arm. He cringed a little before looking back at the doctor.

"Can I go back now?" He asked.

"Yeah, you can leave." The Doctor replied. "Oh, and try not to make social interactions for 24 hours."he grinned. Noah rolled his eyes.

As he left the hospital, for some reason, he couldn't think of anything else except from Lauren. He rushed to his room. His rational brain not matching up to his animalistic one.


What's going to happen next?! How was the chapter? Bad? Okay. ~_~

Ugh! I'm so hungry.






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