Chapter 22

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"You're so beautiful, I love you so much." Noah murmured, kneeling in between her legs. He brought his lips to hers. Lauren's hands found themselves in his hair and his on her cheeks. He pulled away from the kiss. "It's very hard not to kiss you like that any and every time I see you." Noah slowly began to pull her white fishnet tights off when...


Noah sat bolt upright in surprise. Lauren's eyes opened wide at the noise. It was loud and just ruined the moment she was having with Noah.

"What was that?" He asked. Something scurried to the corner of the room. It was a small white mouse. It had knocked over a pencil case and a leather bound book. It seemed to belong to one of the patients. Noah walked over to it and picked it up. "It looks like a journal." Noah explained. "Should we open it, it is private after all.

"I don't think the patient will mind."

Journal entry 1:


This is not a diary, this is a journal. I practice my English literature here.

Ever since, I have left that dreadful place, I have been though all the stages of hell. The manager has been very not nice to me. He expelled me from my job because I wanted rights for all the people he had cooped up in there to test on. I am walking through an endless wood now. I don't know where I am, I hope I find shelter soon.

Journal entry 2:


Still no luck. I'm feeling very thirsty and hungry. I feel like I'll never get out of this place.

Journal entry 3:


I am now so thirsty that my tongue has started turning spongy. Hunger has long since left me but I feel if I don't eat some food soon the pain will come back.

I have seen that everything in the forest is deadly, whenever I have tried to eat a plant or drink the water from a tree, it was just poisoned. I wish that someone could help me.

Journal entry 4:


万歳!Yes! I have found shelters an honourable doctor about 40 has helped me and given me a place to stay. It feels nice to have some food in me again. Even if it was only mizu soup. I do feel tired though.



"I don't understand." Lauren said. "What are all those scribbles that he has left?"

"I don't know. It seems to me like this person was from that place that we were living in."

A little like Ashton, Lauren thought.

"Anyway, should we read on?" Noah asked.


Journal entry 4:


The doctor has prescribed me to a kind of super morphine. He says that it it will make all my worries go away and it works. For some reason, it is snowing outside. It's strange because it is summer.

Journal entry 5:


I think that I have been asleep for longer than a day. From now on, I will have to guess the dates.


I am starting to fear now. My hands have many dark brown spots on them and are very wrinkled. I can't get up! I don't know what's happening to me.

I can tell by my hands that I am now roughly a pensioner. My hands are shaking, I am coughing constantly. The doctor is crazy. He keeps on giving me more and more. I think this will be my last entry. If someone finds this. Please run. I can't be saved but maybe you can.

Noah gasped at the journal's final entry.

"We have to get out of here." Noah gulped.

"You aren't going anywhere." The crazy doctor cackled.


I wonder what will happen. All will be revealed in chapter 23.



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