Chapter 26: Ethan!

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Song: Peter Manos - In My Head

Freya's POV

I looked over at Ethan to see him on his phone just typing away. "Whatcha doing?" I asked trying to make conversation. He shrugged, "Nothing really. I'm just searching around the web. Did you know that elephants can die of a broke heart," he replied.

I shook my head as I continued to drive, "I did not know that," I admitted.

He then stayed silent causing me to wonder more about his health than he was letting on. I needed to get him to a doctor. One our way down the highway, after a few hours, I stopped at a actual red lobster and Ethan, Hazel and I had dinner before Ethan took some more medicine. We were now back in the car and Ethan was fast asleep with Hazel on his lap.

Letting out a sigh, I couldn't help but think about how stupid Kai was. He's lucky I didn't shove that Gatorade bottle up his ass. I drove for about another 5 hours or so until it was a new day and the sun was now rising. I had no idea where we were or how we've survived on our own.

I pulled over to the nearest hotel and looked over to Ethan to see he was still sleeping but Hazel was wide awake. He then started to softly chatter. I listened as he was telling me he could smell Ethan was getting worse and was now shivering. I reached over to Ethan and felt his forehead only to feel his temperature was getting hotter. I quickly pulled up my phone and searched for a hospital. The nearest hospital was 2 hours away due to the location of the hotel.

Ethan wasn't going to last that long with this fever. I bolted out of the car, grabbed our bags and walked to Ethan side before picking him up bridal style. He let out a weak moan causing my heart to break. Using my powers, I held Ethan up a bit so he wasn't to heavy with the weight of the bags. Hazel hopped on and ran inside my hood before I slammed the door shut.

With all my energy, I ran up to the hotel, through the doors and up to the front desk. As I ran through the lobby, I could see some people staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the guys asked a bit concerned but calm.

"I need a room with one bed. I promise I'll pay later but right now I need to get him under some cold water. He's burning up with a fever and the near hospital is 2 hours away," I rushed out.

He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off, "Please," I begged.

He looked over to Ethan who was in my hands before quickly typing something into the computer and held a key-card in his hand. "Your room is on the second floor. Name?" he asked.

"Freya Grinsly," I stated.

He typed it in and passed me the key-card. I quickly took it from him before thanking him. He gave a small smile and I took off to the elevator. I made my way up to the second floor before running out and towards our room. I slide the card onto the door and unlocked it. Bursting through the door, I dropped the bags on the floor and placed Ethan on the bed as Hazel jumped out my hood before sitting next to Ethan.

A knock came from the door and I let out an annoyed groan before running to open it. To my surprise it was Kai who seemed to be out of breath. "Look...I'm sorry and-"

"I don't got time for this," I shouted as I ran back into the room where Ethan was laying and started to undress him.

"What's wrong?" Kai's voice came into the room.

"He's running a deadly fever and the nearest hospital is 2 hours away. If I drove him over there, he probably wouldn't make it," I stated as I left Ethan in only his boxers. I felt his skin again to see he was burning up even more. How was this possible?

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